Products > Dodgy Technology
"Upgrading" your power cord
--- Quote from: Electro Detective on May 10, 2018, 09:00:49 am ---Thanks mate, and thanks for correcting that err by sending many of your type over here in the last few years
Great blokes but won't tell me why they did a runner from the UK :-// matter how many aussie (real) beers pumped into them >:D
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Way things are going over here I'd be considering a move if I could work out a way of seeing my kids.
I'm probably too old and not skilled enough to get a visa though.
In another video, he replaces a fuse with an "audiophile" grade fuse. And then he even said that the direction you put the fuse in will influence the sound quality. :palm: He recommended trying putting the fuse in each way and seeing what sounds best.
--- Quote from: piguy101 on June 24, 2018, 04:46:13 pm ---In another video, he replaces a fuse with an "audiophile" grade fuse. And then he even said that the direction you put the fuse in will influence the sound quality. :palm: He recommended trying putting the fuse in each way and seeing what sounds best.
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You made my day.
That was painful to watch, must have cost a fortune in PTFE tape :palm:
--- Quote from: chris_leyson on June 24, 2018, 07:42:09 pm ---That was painful to watch, must have cost a fortune in PTFE tape :palm:
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Yes, it was painful. It's like looking at a fatal accident on the other side of the highway. You don't want to look but you can help yourself. |O Tweakerman? Wankerman is more like it and a 'professional' without a doubt.
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