
What irritates you the most?

Sticky/Fixed: Headers/Nav Toolbars and Widgets especially large (Intrusion & harassment by remaining stuck over contents, unclosable, follows down page on scroll, in the way/restricting browsing area & very annoying & distracting)
3 (4%)
Dimming overlays (Eye hurter due to sudden darker background change & obscure/cut user off rest of contents)
1 (1.3%)
Excessive fake loading spinners/animations
1 (1.3%)
Animated skeleton placeholders & shimmers (FLASHING & CPU HOGGER/slows page load via gradient cycling)
0 (0%)
Chat bots
7 (9.3%)
Autoplay sound and video
8 (10.7%)
Gradients over video, pictures and thumbnails (Obscure and can set false illusions of shadows and clouds)
0 (0%)
Flash/fade/dimming transition elements on page load
0 (0%)
ALL OF THE ABOVE and BELOW (except the last two options)
25 (33.3%)
Page view manipulation: Content jumping/page shift/shrink or expand.
4 (5.3%)
Interference such as Scrolljacking and Clickjacking
3 (4%)
Website set to hide contents based on useragent or other
1 (1.3%)
Websites set to discriminate based on country
0 (0%)
Cookie notices
7 (9.3%)
Aggressive advertising: dialogues or same ad stuck on either sides flashing & targeting across platforms
5 (6.7%)
Excessive white spaces
1 (1.3%)
Inappropriately/oversized text or graphics: large & small by relation or ratio
1 (1.3%)
Auto action & mouse hover: Popouts, overlays & expanding, zooming out thumbnail, audio, video autoplay, preview
0 (0%)
Suggestions, predictive texting and history in or under search & text input box
1 (1.3%)
Clickbait trolling: Paywall, authwall, signup (excluding article view limit)
5 (6.7%)
Flash/fade/moving(appearing and disappearing) popout widgets/sliders: xx people viewed this item
0 (0%)
Infinite scrolling
2 (2.7%)
Not sure
0 (0%)
Prefer not to say
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 49

Author Topic: Bad/bloated web design  (Read 84326 times)

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Offline MrMobodiesTopic starter

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #125 on: October 03, 2021, 03:50:47 am »
Oh, that reminds me of another annoying feature of 'modern' websites: THE CHAT BOT.
Maybe you know exactly which sequence of menus you have to select to find the information you want but no, the chat bot pops up and begs you to ask something...  |O

OMG yes, those chat bots are universally useless, it is downright insulting that companies think they will be in any way helpful or a useful replacement of a real person. It's even more insulting that they try to make them look like they are actual people.

Joke: Maybe that is their way of "Reaching out to you":

So I see what seems to be a growing trend with calling elements that cover up stuff up a "loader."

Looks like Paypal checkout added some more animated/placeholder stuff and renamed ".react-Loader" to ".app-loader".

Code: [Select]

##.loading-block heightForloading-block
paypal.com##svg[preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"]
paypal.com##svg[viewBox="0 0 300 135"]

Now those are also hidden it just loads up to to payment stuff with the cards, I select okay and comes out and that is it like the way it was before.

I don't want to have things flashed in my face everytime I pay for stuff thank you very much.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2021, 04:31:43 am by MrMobodies »

Offline Deodand2014

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #126 on: October 08, 2021, 12:31:13 am »
Oh, that reminds me of another annoying feature of 'modern' websites: THE CHAT BOT.
Maybe you know exactly which sequence of menus you have to select to find the information you want but no, the chat bot pops up and begs you to ask something...  |O

OMG yes, those chat bots are universally useless, it is downright insulting that companies think they will be in any way helpful or a useful replacement of a real person. It's even more insulting that they try to make them look like they are actual people.

Speaking as someone who actually fell for a chat bot on a website, I can testify just how frustrating it is to realise that you are communicating with software giving canned responses rather than a person, it defeats the whole point of having a 'chat button'.

Offline SilverSolder

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #127 on: October 08, 2021, 11:16:21 am »
Oh, that reminds me of another annoying feature of 'modern' websites: THE CHAT BOT.
Maybe you know exactly which sequence of menus you have to select to find the information you want but no, the chat bot pops up and begs you to ask something...  |O

OMG yes, those chat bots are universally useless, it is downright insulting that companies think they will be in any way helpful or a useful replacement of a real person. It's even more insulting that they try to make them look like they are actual people.

Speaking as someone who actually fell for a chat bot on a website, I can testify just how frustrating it is to realise that you are communicating with software giving canned responses rather than a person, it defeats the whole point of having a 'chat button'.

Sounds like the bot passed the Turing Test, at least for a little while?  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_test

Offline MrMobodiesTopic starter

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #128 on: October 09, 2021, 04:33:41 am »
I normally ignore chat applets/bots and just close them or hide them if there is no close button

I'd thought I'd have a look at Facebook. I rarely use it but it looks like placeholder stuff was added.

See delay over the menu contents:

I don't know why anybody would want their menu items delayed anyway seems much quicker without all that pretence crap (see attachments) but the contents on some pages do seem to take a couple of seconds or so to load.

New elements and space between previous elements:
Code: [Select]

« Last Edit: October 09, 2021, 04:46:16 am by MrMobodies »

Offline MrMobodiesTopic starter

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Re: Bad/bloated web design (Upgrade your experience with this stupid EBAY app)
« Reply #129 on: October 23, 2021, 08:14:32 am »
I was a infuriated to find this despite all the negative feedback I left over the years about this practice of dimming large parts of the page and hurting my eyes.

And there is the "APP", where possibly I'd have no control with no extensions to hide all that UI crap that I have been hiding over the years.

That looks to me like it wasn't even aimed at a tablet/mobile user but desktop users to attract them put up mindlessly.

If it didn't dim the rest of the page like that I wouldn't have felt so offended.

Forgot to name the dimming element for the above for Adblock:
« Last Edit: October 23, 2021, 09:21:16 pm by MrMobodies »

Offline DiTBho

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #130 on: October 23, 2021, 08:57:56 am »
I don't really like the Javascript abuse that people like to do these days. There are too many scripts running, too complex and usually useless.

Why did "eBay" crash Firefox yesterday? I saw the message "a script is out of control". I clicked on "stop script" but Firefox crashed.

What the frog. A web application that can crash a program in userspace. That's very worried  :-//
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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #131 on: October 23, 2021, 01:02:28 pm »
Fully agreed w/Javascript!

It's useful for interactive functionality (like say EasyEDA), but the endless AJAX "let me load some content for you" and useless transitions and flashers and such... Oh man I hate those.
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Offline MrMobodiesTopic starter

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #132 on: October 23, 2021, 09:47:38 pm »
I don't really like the Javascript abuse that people like to do these days. There are too many scripts running, too complex and usually useless.

Looking at ebay and just noticed the scrollbars disappeared.

What the hell is going on? Refresh the pages scroll and same thing happens.

Turned off adblock and that dimming "App" thing appears again.

Hiding the scrollbar, now isn't that classed as SCROLL JACKING?

Absolutely obnoxious spammy behaviour coming from ebay.

I am going to have to phone up on Monday the Concierge service and make a complaint.

Having the scroll bars taken away is one of the worst things I despise.
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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #133 on: October 24, 2021, 10:56:29 am »
The new hype seems to be approaching entire web development with SvelteKit and TailwindCSS. At least that means "static adapter", which has less bugs than things based on database (code injection? input-fields sanitificazion?), SvelteKit outputs HTML, CSS and JS, but it has its own "module language" and somehow compiles Vanilla Javascript.

That's worrying for me, especially because people here don't even control the results and the quality of the results, what people care about is * if * tools like Svelte can accelerate development.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2021, 10:43:04 pm by DiTBho »
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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #134 on: October 27, 2021, 05:15:33 am »
Google “AMP” is the biggest mess ever and needs to retire - I’m sure it will - Google’s forte is ditching things.

Offline MrMobodiesTopic starter

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Re: Bad/bloated web design seeedstudio.com
« Reply #135 on: November 02, 2021, 11:42:11 pm »
Came across this site looking for something and when trying to type into the search box it kept on stalling and results and a number of things would appear underneath and would not give me a chance to finish.


So I hid that and on searching I was infuriated to find it full of this page delaying preloading crap:

Code: [Select]

Absolutely hate these things as well as the shadow under the fixed header but that is hidden and restored at the top by extensions.

The amount of time spent loading the rubbish that I hid above could be better spent loading the real contents.

Another one that flashes on and off this time on Google maps:

Code: [Select]

« Last Edit: November 03, 2021, 11:10:16 pm by MrMobodies »

Offline MrMobodiesTopic starter

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Re: Bad/bloated web design (Upgrade your experience with this stupid EBAY app)
« Reply #136 on: December 17, 2021, 08:55:49 pm »

Despite complaining many weeks ago Ebay is stilll doing this but a lot more.

Just now with the help of Ublock logger I found what I believe to be the culprit and works with Adblock:

I was going into developer tools to manually turn the overscroll bars back on and some things started to look a bit misplaced and just remembered the logger from ublock.

The script above appears very large and looks to me like it might be doing a number of things so I am wondering by preventing it from working will it break stuff on Ebay.

I'll have to see what happens.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2021, 09:08:56 pm by MrMobodies »

Online Ranayna

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #137 on: December 23, 2021, 08:49:06 am »
Saw this in the 3D Printing subforum, and thought this would fit here:


Animated Snowflakes... Are we in the 90s? My poor mobile processor went crazy when stay there for more than a couple of seconds. Not that i want to, because of the next reason:
I immediately got nagged by that stupid chatbot. Not only visually, but with a audible fake notification as well.  |O

Not that i am in the market for a watercooled extruder anyway, but with that website i would never buy there.

Offline MrMobodiesTopic starter

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #138 on: December 23, 2021, 10:57:34 am »

Animated Snowflakes...


got nagged by that stupid chatbot.


Turned off Adblock, ublock, Sticky Header Hider aka Fixed Header Fixer, removed hosts to try and make that fake notification appear. I noticed with the fixed header showing with the extension turned off that it is looking all spammy/spammy toolbars stuck there that I always despised and take great offense that I find no different to the customers who had all these unwanted browser toolbars over ten years ago that came bundled with things that they removed but kept on reinstalling except now embedded on the webpage in the form of these things by them just setting absolute to fixed positioning.

SPAMMY behaviour:

I remembered at first of being accused of aggression or I got sarcastic responses when I use to email websites that I frequently used with complaints about them in about 2016 when they just started to appear with a message like this:

"This is my screen and browsing area, not yours, I will not have you interfere with my viewing area and SPAM me with great big unwanted toolbars/widgets that I don't want to constantly see stuck there that get in the way of the contents/restricts it and distract/annoy me that can't be hidden.

<Element name>
Much better now I can see what I am doing without the bloat.

Absolutely SPAMMY behaviour with no regard for user preference.

I want to be left alone to view the contents in peace like before without the intrusion and harassment unwanted fixed toolbars and widgets that appear and follow down the page.

Imagine going into a shop on the high street and as a shop owner, I hypothetically stick something in a fixed part of your vision, with the stores logos and showing you stuff and offers that you may not want to constantly see, no matter where you look, until you leave, now how would feel?

How dare you interefere like this... it's my browsing area, my screen... keep your filthy hands off it.

Maybe it was aggressive, yes I was angry but that was how I felt about it at the time of the intrusion of these things.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2021, 12:06:06 pm by MrMobodies »

Offline SilverSolder

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #139 on: December 27, 2021, 03:13:41 pm »

You are putting up a good fight against the forces of evil, @MrMobodies.   For most of us, I think it is too late - the ship has left the port, and the only choice we have now is like with old style television sets:  "If you don't like the program - Turn it off!"   :)

Offline Terry Bites

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #140 on: December 29, 2021, 04:49:27 pm »
Migraines-Siezures- Tears of Blood. Show me the way to F'in products on page 1.
I dont care about your new logo or latest take over.
But allegedly customers demand this crap. And respond positivley to pointless animation &c. 
Looking for products and spec and prices and non-availabilty is all fun fun fun!
Perhaps, as one senisble company has done is to have separate portals for engineers and another for whoever.

It all went to crap then the TV started telling us that having a shave was the same as driving an F1 car and shampoo casued spontaneous orgasms.
Web dseigners are ...................................... and we all  know that.


Offline MrMobodiesTopic starter

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Re: Bad/bloated web design Quora UI preloading crap
« Reply #141 on: January 31, 2022, 12:01:23 am »
It's not often I look at search terms for Quora but now see this stupid crap (or has it changed?) with animated loading and placeholders.
According to my blocklist line 3234 there was one: quora.com##.LoadingDots__Dot-sc-1r7wywh-0.iZIjlU


Unfortunately hiding the skeleton/placeholder crap .qbox also kills everything else.

I noticed quite a few of this stuff including the .loader element referenced to W3schools and I have seen this before on other sites.

I remembered using that sometimes and one occasion where it proved hand when trying to embedded some stuff through a portal.
I wonder if they are being encouraged at some point to do this sort of thing.


Dim the rest of the page with a tiny white toolbar and hurt my eyes.
Seeing all that crap above I knew this was likely to happen.

The dimming overlay looks like a recent thing:

When clicking any links gives me this but just found I have to clear cookies:

Now dim it with a tiny white dialogue.

Looking spammy and offputting to me I think I'd be adding that to my list of excluded websites in the search suggestion -"quora.com"

At the same time they DID let me see the contents compared to other sites that show a description but link to nothing but a sign up portal.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 12:21:22 am by MrMobodies »

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #142 on: February 03, 2022, 09:28:53 pm »
After installing the adblock, I just forgot about what advertising is. There are no annoying windows on YouTube or pop-up ads in online stores. However, my adblock does not cope with all advertising and some of the visual advertising on the sites still appear. Can anyone advise how to reconfigure the ad block so that it hides ads more effectively? Or is it easier to change the adblock?

Offline PlainName

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #143 on: February 03, 2022, 10:01:36 pm »
Might help if you say what adblock you're using. Then you won't get suggestions to use that one ;)

Offline MrMobodiesTopic starter

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #144 on: February 03, 2022, 11:19:32 pm »
I use for Chrome:

ABP plus:

My blocklist:
Web UI annoyances Suggestions/page dimming overlays/spinners/animated skeleton placeholder blocklist (on imgur and also attached)
Beware some things may not work attimes where I historically added wildcards so I keep a list and sometimes spend hours finding them to remove of the list.

Fixed header control:
Sticky Header Hider aka Fixed Header Fixer

There is a new one StickyDucky that works for Firefox and Chrome:

Javascript switcher for when a website may suddenly start interfering with the contents and do horrible spammy things:
Sometimes it works but no longer on some like Quora as I discovered above with the changes they made.

Ublock just as good as ABP plus and better which is handy for identifying elements:

My blocklist does not block any adverts, unless they happen to be in a fixed/sticky position specific to a certain website embedded in it's own element name. I turn off the remove the built in Easylist filter lists and give many of them a chance. I may use Fanboy's list of social annoyances (that hides annoying popup sharing icons to Facebook and twitter icons) that appear on hover/right click. I try not  to block adverts as long as they are behaved, can be reported if they step out of line and from trusted sites and I know they help pay for their revenue.

Anti-Facebook Filters

There was one I had to turn CSS (where DisableScrollJacking below fails to prevent websites hiding the scrollbars)
that I rarely used but disappeared somehere on some profile that I'll try to find later.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 07:58:45 pm by MrMobodies »

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Re: Bad/bloated web design animated preloader overlay hang
« Reply #145 on: February 06, 2022, 09:32:41 pm »
Just researching on someone and found an article that wouldn't load after the cookie notice and dimming overlay:


I wonder, is that another one of those fake loading animated spinners overlays refusing to let me see the article behind it:


I guess the fake "preloading" thing is more important than the article itself that it is set to stay ontop

Looking further a second time the spinner did appear and disappear after a couple of seconds with the rule removed (to make it show again) so I am not sure why it hanged on the first occasion.

It it set is set to fade/flash on every page load/link delaying it by covering the contents up by a couple of seconds.
Very stupid as the article seems to load instantly with the fake loading spinner overlay hidden.

I wonder.. who thought that was an excellent idea and not one that can cause inconvenience and annoyance.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2022, 09:38:49 pm by MrMobodies »

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #146 on: February 11, 2022, 07:11:52 am »
I have just discovered a change on Ebay in "Sellers store" so I switched off the extensions to see what would happen:

Also new feedback form with a dimming overlay.

They used the same class element name but added esp at the beginning:

Massive big spammy toolbar:


See all... a bit like that thread I started a while back on "click here to see more."

At the moment clicking that leads to the old design with the page numbers.

I wonder will they do away without that soon and then I could be clicking that "See all" button and scrolling repetitively or forever endlessly just to find things with no way to track and no clue as to how far I am when looking at seller's listings especially if they have a lot to list. Another stupid idea being implemented by Ebay.

Maybe I should phone Ebay Concierge server later  to complain about before it is too late.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2022, 07:13:38 am by MrMobodies »

Offline YurkshireLad

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #147 on: February 21, 2022, 02:37:03 pm »
Here's a prime example of the crappy state of modern websites:
 * Immediate pop up that stops you reading the content, which you are forced to close - CHECK
 * Cookie confirmation dialog - CHECK
 * Pointless chat dialog with useless bot - CHECK
 * Massive images that pad out the content and add nothing to the content - CHECK
 * Massive, annoying header that resizes as you scroll and restricts your view of content - CHECK


So overall, I give it a 10/10 rating on the "s****y site to avoid " scale.  |O

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Offline SilverSolder

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #148 on: February 21, 2022, 02:54:40 pm »
Here's a prime example of the crappy state of modern websites:
 * Immediate pop up that stops you reading the content, which you are forced to close - CHECK
 * Cookie confirmation dialog - CHECK
 * Pointless chat dialog with useless bot - CHECK
 * Massive images that pad out the content and add nothing to the content - CHECK
 * Massive, annoying header that resizes as you scroll and restricts your view of content - CHECK


So overall, I give it a 10/10 rating on the "s****y site to avoid " scale.  |O

Another irritating thing many sites do nowadays is:

* When moving the mouse pointer away from the browser:  Immediately popup browser-filling crap to capture your attention just one last time before you go.

Even if you were reading the site and just moved the mouse to take notes or something.

Numpties, shouldn't be let near a computer.

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Offline MrMobodiesTopic starter

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Re: Bad/bloated web design
« Reply #149 on: February 21, 2022, 06:58:50 pm »
Here's a prime example of the crappy state of modern websites:
 * Immediate pop up that stops you reading the content, which you are forced to close - CHECK
Hiding the first dimming overlay:

Doesn't seem to hide the scrollbars that time.

* Massive images that pad out the content and add nothing to the content - CHECK

Look to me like a stock photo put up with little effort or taste just slapped there.


I wonder if there is a name for this stock photo practice, where they get any stock photo they can find and just slap it on the page with hardly any effort where it has a larger presence than contents.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2022, 07:03:10 pm by MrMobodies »

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