Just found this from someone who thinks users will think the slowness will be faster because of the decorations
https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-build-skeleton-screens-using-css-for-better-user-experience/APRIL 25, 2022/ #USER EXPERIENCE
Skeleton Loader Example – How to Build a Skeleton Screen with CSS for Better UX 
Israel Mitolu
Assume and dictate user experience to what they think the user thinks as below.
They let the user know that some content is loading and, more importantly, provide an indication of what is loading, whether it's an image, text, card, and so on...
I expect the content to be loaded promptly with content not things that load first that sit there flashing away and slow the whole thing down by cycling through gradients or whatever.
This gives the user the impression that the website is faster because they already know what type of content is loading before it appears. This is referred to as perceived performance.
"because the content is loading it gives the impression that it is faster."UTTER BULLSHITThat p*sses me of if anything due to the flashing and slowing the browser down here they seem to be deceptive in making assumptions about what the user is perceiving as if they are stupid and confused and don't know what they are doing.
As much as we developers want our websites to load as quickly as possible, there are times when a lot of data needs to be rendered on the page, so Skeleton screens are a great option.
So slow it down even more under the guise the the user will think it is quick.
Things to keep in mind
* While implementing skeleton screens, we should keep in mind the goal we are trying achieve with the website or app, and prioritize loading the content.
Bullshit again... Rubbish. No you don't.
Link to the above, put all this crap on it that slows it down on page load and pretend/give the user a perception that it is loading quickly.
* Very stupid! Instead these things are being prioritized instead of the contents as it loads first and slows it down as I have experience and found out with the many I screenshot on pause or with javascript switched off.
A skeleton screen is an animated placeholder that simulates the layout of a website while data is being loaded.
A simulation of a website is NOT what I want to see ahead of the contents. If they intend it to be quick none of that nonsense should be necessary.
Why Use Skeleton Screens?
They appear to be faster and are more user friendly. * Improved perceived performance
* provides both good UX
and helps in increasing conversion rate.
My thoughts/sarcasm/anger The mass majority (including me as a user) are very stupid, naturally born with a very low iq level and very low natural/intellectual abilities that they won't notice the slowness when we bloat the experience, slow the page load down and pull the wool over their eyes. Because it looks
buzzword bullshit: modern, newer, pretty trendy[/i] as we set it, it would appear to them that it is fast and they THINK it improves performance when it DOESN'T and is user friendly because of the flashing and decorations and other people are going to talk about how this prettiness improves performance and gives a better a user experience by seeing how well these things flash.
* More like a DECEPTIVE UX and a conversation about it in threads like this.
When to use them
* Use to notify the user that something is loading when more than one element is loading at the same time.
** Use when loading data takes more than 3 seconds.
*** Use on websites with a lot of traffic.
****Use for a background or long-running process.
* What? and load these useless things up as first priority than all the things that matter to the content after.
**Slow it down even more
*** The user may tell when the website is slow when content GRADUALLY loads on it but if there is animation crap everywhere that is slowing the page load down and they may not notice the difference due to the slowness and with "Improved perceived performance" to make it appear faster

sounds contradictory to me.
**** So permanently hog the cpu until somewhere down the page.

That takes over 8% cpu time every time those tile things reload up with that effect.
You made it all the way to the end! You've learned about skeleton loading, and how it contributes to user experience
by * creating the illusion of speed
when loading data, and you've implemented your own.
I hope you found this tutorial useful and that it serves as a good starting point for creating various skeleton loading screens.
It is a blooming webpage full of text and pictures why bog it down with this page slowing crap before the contents?
The user will think it is faster and gives them a good experience by how pretty it looks.If you found this article insightful, do share it with your friends and network. Also, feel free to connect with me on Twitter and my blog where I share resources and articles* to make you a better dev.
* Creating an illusion of speed by taking up/wasting cpu time/resources on the decorations. So Israel Mitolu admitted it, all this page slowing crap to create a delusion and users will think that a bloated slow UI experience is quick when it isn't by how pretty it looks.
Yes it is insightful how web developers like this are out there and how they treat their users, assume what they want, and bloat the page/interfere and with the decorations they'd think it improves performance.
Did I just say as I often do, "Do they think the user is stupid and are effectively calling them stupid?"
** Adding this bloat and assuming users will think it is faster when it is slow makes you a better web developer.
Reminds me of this post by BD139:I write web apps a lot of the time. I have done since the web appeared in the 1990s.
* I have seen a massive decline in front end quality in the last decade and you know why?
Sometimes stuff is actually just done and people have a fear of that. Once it's done they're of no value.
Thus the "never done" attitude is what happens. Thus what do you do to something that is done? Shovel more features into it. Next thing you know your web site looks like an Indian train, except less useful.
* They have people like that working there, Israel Mitolu from Freecodecamp with that attitude and a fixed perception of the user?
A simple text "loading" behind whatever is loading and a basic outline has got to be a lot better and less overhead than all that crap above.
I wonder do these web developers do any performance/overhead testing on their own work to see what impact it may on the browser & cpu usage or do they just deceive/delude the user with crap like the above plastered everywhere?
What do you think?