Some web sites dish up different size pictures, depending on the size of the browser window. (At least, in the days before everything had to be white pixels!)
A decade and a half ago I reimplemented (technically; no redesign work) the web pages for a university department (later the entire faculty of science). Because of lack of SVG support in all browsers then, the fully autoscaling layout had a logo consisting of an SVG image, backed by MathML if SVG was not supported, backed by a PNG (or was it GIF?) image in case neither was supported. Content scaled to fill the browser window naturally, and text size was freely scalable using the browser controls. (Most of my work, however, was to re-engineer the backend, because we had a lot of different people maintaining different parts of the site, and they changed often; my job was to make it
easier and more efficient for people. The user-facing "adjustments" I did on my own, but they were very happily accepted.)
You see, I was disgusted to see that when lecturers showed a web page "designed for 800x600" or "1024x768" or whatever the designers had decided was
the resolution, on the über-powerful projectors the content was this thin strip on the 6-meter wide canvas nobody could read. Obviously, this was because the projector resolution was approx. double the typical display resolution then. Useless; silly. Made me angry, that.
After my meddling, everyone could read the very same pages on all different devices, from phones to 4K displays. (We did do custom stylesheets for phones to rip out most of the eye candy, so phones would show content better.) And they also fully conformed to XHTML 1.1 (unless a page maintainer introduced errors in the text content; which was stored in separate files from the UI stuff, and combined on the fly with my utterly simple "page engine").
It used to be much more work than nowadays, too, because of the
numerous layout bugs in different browsers that needed to be worked around. I'm old enough to remember when uploads themselves were technically difficult to handle robustly, just because each new browser version tended to have their own new bugs in their implementation...
I think I've only managed to anger a handful of (web) designers in my time. The dozen or so I've talked to that were initially unhappy about my suggestions (who wanted to design for a specific resolution), all were really interested and happy to see how they could still fully control the layout and visual look while letting the content scale "naturally" to different devices and browser window sizes; especially since I was happy to do the technical conversion work, and they only specify the dimensions in appropriate units (either
em or
ex if dependent on text size, or percentage of window width, typically). A big part of that, of course, was me showing their design in different situations in practice – I knew to always do that, because out of sight, out of mind, so realizing something often requires seeing it for oneself first.
Based on a lot of experience, I claim that such relative scaling is the correct way to design a web site.
With respect to image sizes on forums like this, it would work better if the
[IMG] tag allowed an attribute to specify the displayed width of the image relative to the content area (in percentage) the image is scaled to, regardless of the resolution – and that it supported SVG images, too. SVG is perfect for diagrams and schematics, and scale perfectly. I suppose even a tag that caused the forum to generate a snippet of Javascript that switches between native size and scaled to content size keeping aspect ratio intact, would work. (It'd be trivial to implement.)
Then, the pixel size of uploaded images would not matter nearly as much as it does right now.
As things stand right now, us SMF2 users have to consider the pixel size the presentation size, and that is wrong (based on above).
Plus, the
[ATTACHIMG] tag doesn't seem to work at all, which means every post that contains images has to be edited to get the images inline.