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Ball Lightning ??? Hits locally, (or my eyes need a checkup).
Early a.m. Saturday, about 4:30 Pacific Time (1@:30), I was observing the big rain storm when the sky lit up, a big wide swath of smooth white, no zig zag lightning and NO sound.
That was very similar to florescent lamp action, almost as if the rain cloud itself was florescing internally !
The white light extinguished in separate little falters with slow reduction to dark, again.
Next, another burst after about 5 minutes, this time straight overhead. Funny thing was, that overhead cloud seemed to be 'leaking' current down, down to around neighbor's chimney, crackling the whole time. Maybe 2 seconds total, and this time followed (soon), by a peal of thunder.
That seemingly ground-headed 'leader' thing was kinda scary, especially for anybody caught out in the electrical storm !
WTF ! Was this Ball Lightning ?
its out there I saw occur too. People that did not see it are just jealous. Plasma can some how self confine into a sphere sometimes and float around.
I suggest trusting your eyes when people are telling you what is possible and impossible based on first order Physics I explanations of what plasma and electricity can do or are lol
Though the ball plasma issue is a bit scary, it feels like a stargate episode, where someone is arguing with rodney about some strange occurrence.
The reply from coppercone2 helps introduce the idea of having a 'halo' or vaguely visible lines of force. These things happened at a more slow scale, compared with the usual loud CLAP with brief flash.
But still a quick grouping of effects, maybe 80/ milliseconds, along with 'sparky' noises.
I've tried asking neighbors, about the 4:30 am bursts, (and local news).
In the schetch, I show that halo, seemingly attracted to the roof top metal pipe, having an egg-shaped field in glowing white. On the paper, I used blue color to signify the white glow.
Meanwhile, in this, the sky directly over our houses, was glowing during the discharge event, that lasted maybe 1 1/2 seconds.
The enclosed picture shows the more extreme case, as that active rain cloud became directly overhead, sparking,...or almost it seemed.
Visible were a half-dozen streamers, surrounding the neighbor's chimney (and starlight dish).
It seemed as though there was no clear 'clap' or spark, more like a bunch of 'leader' ionization paths, crackling and moving around.
At that point, I retreated for safety sake, as our patio cover is metal sheeting and I'm not that into (hospital) drama. Damp feet, no shoes, on concrete floor.
Local news (via some Oklahoma TV station) didn't mention weird lightning, but there was a lot of rain related news.
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