Products > Dodgy Technology

bell & howel TAC VISOR marketing wank

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anyone see this ad on tv? its up there on the wank scale in my opinion....
they use a tv with the polarizer removed to demonstrate how good their glare blocking visor is.
like polarized filters are some ground breaking new thing...
guess this is supposed to replace sunglasses... so practical  |O
Donald Joseph Bell (1869–1934) and Albert Summers Howell (1879–1951) must be turning in their graves...

Judging by all the macho camouflage stuff near the mid-end of the 2 min video (and easily impressed actresses), it's surely a must-have for all branches of armed services. Much cheaper than radar, thermal imaging or any of that other electro-optic malarkey.

Another fine product brought to you by EEZEE-FLEECE Industries.

Domagoj T:
What is this "separate fee" I would have to pay if I wanted the other thing for free?

How can a filter, any filter, improve night time image? It can only further decrease the amount of light available to the eyes.

Isn't the blank screen gimmick against some law about misleading advertising?

lol i didn't catch that fee for the free upgrade to the 2 in 1  till you mentioned it.
free shipping but the 2 in 1 deal extra fee for the free extra item is 7.95

gotta love it...

hmm could they be banged for misleading advertising with the blank screen trick. I guess they could argue there demonstrating that it is polarized "blocks glare"  but defianly ment to mislead people imho

love how they try and make it sound like its a military grade item, including demoing it in a humv and showing a fighter pilot saying this is "inpired by" ther lense technology.

think they would use a real picture of a real fighter pilot, nope, its a cgi off the net.. .. likely more inspired by that then anything real :P

And don't forget the Battle Visor...



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