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Biologists rename our own biology to work around Excel "bug"

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--- Quote from: Zero999 on May 28, 2023, 05:00:05 pm ---Many scientists used Gnumeric for a long time because it supported larger spreadsheets than Excel.

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When I had to plot data at work far too large for Excel to handle, I used Veusz. Best thing was that I could set up templates for various incoming data formats and have the graphs done very quickly after importing the data.

Most scientists and medical researchers don't use Excel. There are far better tools for that, especially when dealing with large datasets.

Even the latest version of Excel has several hard limits, one of which I've encountered when examining log files. Forget more than 1,048,576 rows of information, Excel says no.

Gnumeric can handle 224 rows.


--- Quote from: Halcyon on June 05, 2023, 01:01:42 pm ---Most scientists and medical researchers don't use Excel.
--- End quote ---

I don't think I could agree with that as a blanket statement. Some don't use Excel, some do. Not all datasets are huge, and sometimes Excel might the the most convenient tool for a job. Almost every university I have seen has their students using Microsoft Office as the standard for reports and other work. When I submit papers for meetings or conferences, the publisher usually provides a Word template to conform to.

Usually academic conferences/journals use a LaTeX template, Word templates are more the thing for business/governmental documents.

Despite being in LaTeX though one so often sees papers where the graphs were clearly done in Excel before being loaded as images. Halcyon is optimistic, researchers shouldn't use Excel but far too many do, and use it for things it really wasn't designed for (the only use of spreadsheets is maintaining lists, as soon as you want to process data you need programming lanugages if you are to do it sensibly).


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