Well, Analog Kid, I can see a portion of the other arguments against yours, but for the most part I agree with your assessment. It just gets messy, in real world considerations:
1.). Maybe the nuclear figure is getting mixed up / mixed in, with it being labeled or termed as a 'renewable' ?
2.). Cityhood operators, these days, DON'T FOLLOW usual customary modes, of professionalism, honesty (yeah, really), and even outside, just of common sense culture, internally.
One example, (petty), a person had 'goods' to sell, personally, some low cost jewelry in Christmas season. That was a clerk in the building permits dept.
A petty example, but in a more typical 'traditional' planning dept. office that sort of personal business wouldn't be happening.
(Besides being slightly 'off putting' or intimidating.)
Could these sorts of 'credits' purchased be applied to CRIME ?
Say, make a payment to 'offset' a cold-blooded murder ? That silly example helps to illustrate the indefinite qualities of evaluating such.
I'm having difficulty in describing payments as being for PRODUCTS, or SERVICES ?
Hush money, to a Homicide Dept. ?
(Probably, you'd have to specify which murder you are re-imbursung funds for.