Yes, RickLaw, I see that kind of 'Tech Decay' (and searching for a good, coined term to describe). I've been using, temporarily, the known common-term, 'Dumb Ass', privately, to connotate a truly smart person or trend, that fails in some common sense level.
Doctors that don't have the social exposure that teaches that all street drugs NOT same, regardless of truly scientifically established 'overdose' and fatality numbers. Or watched any of the riveting 'Breaking Bad' episodes....
Dumb+Ass in waste and toxics professions might mean overemphasis on small, apparent waste issues, meanwhile ignoring the large but similar content, like plastic milk and water / beverage containers.
One of my pet peeves, is how some municipalities can, like, re-consolodate the separated trash routes, back into one big steaming pile, at the waste management site....or was that just a myth going around ?