Products > Dodgy Technology

EMP Shield

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I am not entirely familiar with the physics and effects of an actual EMP strike.
From my understanding you would need some kind of Faraday cage, or physical shielding of ALL of the cables and connection in order to properly protect from an EMP attack.

If my understanding is somewhat correct I don't see any way this product can help shield a house, let alone the grid cumming in to a house.
If I'm wrong however I would love to get more educated on the subject. :)

I also see a potential "scam" where they never really state that it would stop all the effects of an EMP. Maybe it's only protecting equipment from frying?

Is this product bogus?
If not, how would it work?

Product's home page

Surge protector, NTL passed -- entirely possible.

EMP?  What kind.

They clearly show a mushroom cloud when they mention EMP, implying resistance to fast nuclear EMP.  This, is a laughable claim -- presumably, they're banking on it also being a nearly untestable claim, as we all hope...

(In short: the field strength and rate-of-rise of nuclear EMP, and similar but smaller of course for most conventional/explosive EMP generators, is far too much for a single-point device to have any impact on.  The wiring inside a house is going just anywhere, and not usually shielded in conduit, and not heavy conduit when it is.  It picks up all sorts of noise.  You need to route all cables in a strict tree structure, inside heavy, bonded conduit.  Or wrap the whole facility in welded plate, ala NORAD.  That at least keeps EMP out of the wiring, but anything you plug into it -- and most especially anything you connect between equipment on different branches, with cables not also routed inside the facility's conduits -- is still itself vulnerable.)


A really big nuclear EMP, or a Carrington event, would bring in  massive voltage and current from any long wires to your house.  So, electrical mains, phone wire, cable TV, internet, etc.  A good whole-house surge suppressor is certainly a good idea.  The tiny wires in the photo are laughable, though.  You'd need a much more massive suppressor with much heavier wires to absorb the hundreds of amps that would be likely with such an event.


ConKbot:  off-the-shelf products, just sell a kidney or two, and give em a call.  :P

A few spark-gaps?

If the EMP is nuclear and that close to cause issues you have a lot more to worry about....

Any way, the brand new "lab coat" and hat logo in front of the kitchen cupboards and closed window (cant see the sink behind though...), hmmm :palm:.

Remember in the 90s a company that sold a similar device that supposed to closely follow the AC sinewave and clip any deviation. On extracting the potted box it was just like a power-bar transient suppressors. Nothing special apart from being connected directly to the AC input to your house by an electrician.


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