Products > Dodgy Technology

Endless Drinking Water!

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No electricity needed!

From a company in Scottsdale AZ,
"SOURCE produces water in a wide range of climates. The array at our headquarters in Arizona makes water year-long despite low relative humidity in a dry area."

I didn't see this in a search.  Apologies if this is a repeat.

I spent a few weeks in Scottsdale AZ. If you aren't somewhere air conditioned, endless drinking water is certainly something you need.  :)

So it is another solar dehumidifier. They don't pull much water out of the air in dry areas.



--- Quote from: coppice on October 14, 2024, 07:31:26 pm ---I spent a few weeks in Scottsdale AZ. If you aren't somewhere air conditioned, endless drinking water is certainly something you need.  :)
--- End quote ---
I knew I was going to find that word in by the title of this thread.
Maybe Thunderfoot would release a video on it soon.

--- Quote ---Powered by Hydropanel® Technology
Our Hydropanel technology pulls water vapor from the air and turns it into liquid water using nothing other than solar power. The system then mineralizes the water for health and taste, and keeps it pure for you to enjoy directly from your tap.
It's not magic, it's American ingenuity.
--- End quote ---
Button with "How it works"
Fine but

--- Quote ---Changing the State of Water
SOURCE® Hydropanel® turns vapor in the atmosphere into clean, fresh drinking water—for everyone, everywhere.Serious problems require serious innovation. We created SOURCE Hydropanel to reimagine humanity's relationship with water  :bullshit: through innovation that prioritizes people.

How it Works
SOURCE Hydropanel technology  :bullshit: incorporates multiple patented inventions alongside proprietary trade secrets  :bullshit: , making it a one-of-a-kind renewable water solution that uses the power of the sun to produce pure water that is then mineralized for ideal pH and TDS, resulting in safe, premium quality drinking water.

Hydropanel is like a solar photovoltaic panel, but instead of creating electricity, it instead makes clean, safe drinking water without electric hookups or infrastructure, nearly anywhere in the world.
--- End quote ---
Not fine! I don't see how it works.
Buzzword BULLSHIT: proprietary, technology, trade secrets, premium, innovation, reimagine, humanity.
Maybe the "proprietary" things have filters built in there.

It'd be interesting to see how these perform.


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