Products > Dodgy Technology

Gearbest: best at being the worst

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As if anyone would want to with all the complaints of missing packages and poor customer service...

They geared him up with empty promised at best.

--- Quote ---The company "Bio Sole" also used my video footage for Facebook ads in order to promote their "eco power saver" which will certainly not decrease your electricity bill.
--- End quote ---

Outrageous how they can take a review warning about those so called "energy savers" and use or alter parts of his video in a way that promotes the sale of them.

I haven't seen their version of the energy saver video but it appears from what he saying that they are making it look like he is promoting them when he wasn't and he'd look like a fool apart from those that know him and have seen the original video.

Isn't that defamation?

FB and YT vids are down now.  :clap:
wonder how JYtech felt about it .  :-BROKE

i didn't want this to be my first post... oh well

@GreatScottLab on Twitter:
"It is over! GearBest fixed their mistake. All ad videos are gone and I got paid. Better late than never."

I wonder if they realised how much damage they were causing themselves?


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