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Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)

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   I'm wishing to check out the particulars, when using Google Search.  In this case doing a bit of a test.

   Previously,  I've had normal text searches,  from Google,  that did go into this forum website,  in that case doing searches on
   'Mechanical Computer'.

So that search managed to go into EEVBLOG to look for my search text.

   But today,  I'm testing that some more,  (some political stuff, names, etc.) and not sure about inconsistent results.
   To make a non-partisan example,  search term on actor 'Rex Harrison'.
Well,  THAT search term doesn't come back,  when doing a (Google) search.  Of course,  it does bring up results, but not the term I needed,  within our EEVBLOG postings.

   Does anybody know,  what mechanism Google uses ?
   Can somebody with a new product introduction get their text in a practical search-able form ?  It would be similar to having a new product 'Typewriter' and wishing for any Google search to find that text, (here).

Does Google pre scan all of the myriad of daily entries,  use hashtags table?

Any books on those specifics,  maybe in the marketing world ?

Thanks,  Rick B.

   If maybe this helps:
   Googled on ' 'In network' eevblog '
as that's the insurance term I wanted Google to find.   So I've pointed Google to this forum, but search results are all focused on the blog stuff and no 'In network' text got reported.

   Maybe the earlier hits I got were because the text had been discussed, some,  in this forum ?
(Thus got included in any hashtag lists.)

In my experience it now displays what it wants to show you, based on your web history, with no regard at all to what you asked it to search for. Keep testing it. A pattern emerges. It hasn't been a search engine for quite a while now.

Google's current algorithm seems to be to carefully analyse your search terms, provide any adverts which seem well matched to that, then fill up the remaining space with any old vaguely related junk. I watched a video a few days ago where someone was tinkering with this. He made his search terms more and less specific. The ads he was served adapted to the specificity of what he entered, but the stuff below the ads barely changed. I tried a few searches for myself, and found similar behaviour. Although its very obvious that Google search is now garbage, I hadn't realised that the ads are still responding pretty well until that video pointed it out to me.


--- Quote from: blue_lateral on November 22, 2024, 07:08:16 pm ---In my experience it now displays what it wants to show you, based on your web history, with no regard at all to what you asked it to search for. Keep testing it. A pattern emerges. It hasn't been a search engine for quite a while now.

--- End quote ---
That has always been true. Its tied up with both their search engine, and their pure advertising activities. 15 years ago some of the managers where I worked were really impressed how our company's ads were being served to people by Google's search and advertising systems. Then I showed them what happens when you use a clean computer, without logging into any services, and the ads were very very very different. This meant the company was paying to advertise to itself a lot, and may not be reaching the people the ads are supposed to. It works for Google, though, if it makes the management in the companies paying for ads think their ads are really getting around.


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