Author Topic: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)  (Read 2822 times)

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Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« on: November 22, 2024, 03:21:27 pm »
   I'm wishing to check out the particulars, when using Google Search.  In this case doing a bit of a test.

   Previously,  I've had normal text searches,  from Google,  that did go into this forum website,  in that case doing searches on
   'Mechanical Computer'.

So that search managed to go into EEVBLOG to look for my search text.

   But today,  I'm testing that some more,  (some political stuff, names, etc.) and not sure about inconsistent results.
   To make a non-partisan example,  search term on actor 'Rex Harrison'.
Well,  THAT search term doesn't come back,  when doing a (Google) search.  Of course,  it does bring up results, but not the term I needed,  within our EEVBLOG postings.

   Does anybody know,  what mechanism Google uses ?
   Can somebody with a new product introduction get their text in a practical search-able form ?  It would be similar to having a new product 'Typewriter' and wishing for any Google search to find that text, (here).

Does Google pre scan all of the myriad of daily entries,  use hashtags table?

Any books on those specifics,  maybe in the marketing world ?

Thanks,  Rick B.

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2024, 06:52:57 pm »
   If maybe this helps:
   Googled on ' 'In network' eevblog '
as that's the insurance term I wanted Google to find.   So I've pointed Google to this forum, but search results are all focused on the blog stuff and no 'In network' text got reported.

   Maybe the earlier hits I got were because the text had been discussed, some,  in this forum ?
(Thus got included in any hashtag lists.)

Offline blue_lateral

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2024, 07:08:16 pm »
In my experience it now displays what it wants to show you, based on your web history, with no regard at all to what you asked it to search for. Keep testing it. A pattern emerges. It hasn't been a search engine for quite a while now.
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Online coppice

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2024, 07:08:25 pm »
Google's current algorithm seems to be to carefully analyse your search terms, provide any adverts which seem well matched to that, then fill up the remaining space with any old vaguely related junk. I watched a video a few days ago where someone was tinkering with this. He made his search terms more and less specific. The ads he was served adapted to the specificity of what he entered, but the stuff below the ads barely changed. I tried a few searches for myself, and found similar behaviour. Although its very obvious that Google search is now garbage, I hadn't realised that the ads are still responding pretty well until that video pointed it out to me.

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2024, 07:14:02 pm »
In my experience it now displays what it wants to show you, based on your web history, with no regard at all to what you asked it to search for. Keep testing it. A pattern emerges. It hasn't been a search engine for quite a while now.
That has always been true. Its tied up with both their search engine, and their pure advertising activities. 15 years ago some of the managers where I worked were really impressed how our company's ads were being served to people by Google's search and advertising systems. Then I showed them what happens when you use a clean computer, without logging into any services, and the ads were very very very different. This meant the company was paying to advertise to itself a lot, and may not be reaching the people the ads are supposed to. It works for Google, though, if it makes the management in the companies paying for ads think their ads are really getting around.

Offline ebastler

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2024, 09:47:27 am »
   If maybe this helps:
   Googled on ' 'In network' eevblog '
as that's the insurance term I wanted Google to find.   So I've pointed Google to this forum, but search results are all focused on the blog stuff and no 'In network' text got reported.

   Maybe the earlier hits I got were because the text had been discussed, some,  in this forum ?
(Thus got included in any hashtag lists.)

Not sure I understand what you are after. But if you are specifically looking for hits on the EEVblog site, Google supports a dedicated keyword for that: Search for your search terms

EDIT: Also, if you want two or more words to appear in sequence, enclose them in " double-quotes, not ' single quotes/apostrophes. In addition, Google used to support the + sign to force the appearance of a given search term in the search results, but that option has apparently been dropped. You can still preceed a term by a - sign to exclude it from the search results. E.g. "dodgy technology" -solar -"free energy" finds threads in this section which don't deal with solar or free energy.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2024, 10:05:43 am by ebastler »

Offline RJSVTopic starter

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2024, 02:34:35 pm »
   Actually I wish to make some of my posts,  in the DODGY SECTION, regarding medical systems and management oddities,  a little off from regular electronics issues.
That way others can get exposure to my 'impressions' and possibly provide helpful responses.

   But in a wider way,  I've wondered how Google gets its peeks,  into this forum.  Is that a process using hash tags,  instead of directly searching on text ?
   Suppose someone wishes to buy a typewriter, and they Google for prices.  If there is a review topic, on EEVBLOG, that would get on the person's result list, of various typewriter selling locations, (and any reviews).
   A similar thing already happened, as I can search on my Mechanical Computer documents, and get a hit on some of the content I had done, on EEVBLOG.
So I'm wondering about how Google found that, in the case of my comments showing up, in Google search,  vs no hits on other text I had.

   I don't really know a lot about hash tags related to searches,  and having difficulty forming my question, even,  as I don't know enough to ask the right things.
   A common problem with students, I know.

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2024, 02:50:19 pm »
I've wondered how Google gets its peeks,  into this forum.  Is that a process using hash tags,  instead of directly searching on text ?

What kind of "hash tags" would those be? ???  No, Google indexes primarily the regular text in the forum. It follows links to find the threads and posts. It may also look at meta-information the forum software adds to the pages in its HTML header files, but you cannot influence that and it should not get in the way of finding relevant posts.

I can search on my Mechanical Computer documents, and get a hit on some of the content I had done, on EEVBLOG.
So I'm wondering about how Google found that, in the case of my comments showing up, in Google search,  vs no hits on other text I had.

Can you give an example of a post of yours that you expected to find via Google but could not? I am pretty confident they have all made it into Google's index. If it did not show up in (the first pages of) your search results, the most likely cause is that Google deemed other pages to be more relevant hits for the search terms you entered.

In that case you need to target you search better: Add the keyword to make sure only results from this forum are considered; enclose multi-word phrases in double quotes if you want this particular word order; add further search words.

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2024, 03:37:09 pm »
   Thank you for that.
I had tried searching, on 'in network' as a medical HMO term they use,  one that wouldn't 'find' every last instance.
That term didn't get found,  so I then also put 'eevblog' as a means to get the Google search in the ballpark,  more likely then to find my little two word term (in network).

   However,  I need to repeat that, according to the helpful instructions on quotes, single and double;  getting that corrected first, then try a search.
   End result, is desired to simply search via Google and get hits, if something is in EEVBLOG as a search 'typewriter' if that's what I'm looking for,  in the outside world, and will show up, in that big-view venue.

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2024, 03:52:02 pm »
Searching for "in network" will reliably give you results from this site only, with the two words "in network" in that order. But there are plenty of results which talk about electrical and data networks.

Searching for "in network" HMO produces only two hits for me, including the thread you started earlier this month.
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Offline RJSVTopic starter

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2024, 07:14:05 pm »
   Ah, thanks.  But I'm aiming to figure out how others,  out there, find that word set, before they even know about EEVBLOG.
   That means not setting up any particular 'site' for Google,  although now I've perhaps contradicted myself,  as now I realize I was putting EEVBLOG into the search box.
   Oh well,  it sometimes seems like easy progress gets 'interesting' roadblocks.

   'Frustration is our business'...until we get it right!

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2024, 07:20:00 pm »
   But searching for the PATENT application published SPEC. I get right away, second in a long list of hits.

 Searching on:
   US 20030172205

Online coppice

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2024, 05:38:54 pm »
In the last few days I've been trying to configure some things, couldn't find the right place in the product's menus, and Googled a number of "How can I set X to do Y?" type queries. Each time, the first response was from their AI, giving a step by step sequence for navigating the product's menus are getting to the relevant parameter. In every case the instructions are utterly useless. I don't think the AI is even confusing products, and giving the right steps for some other similar product. It feels like you might get when really sleepy (or perhaps drunk), confused, and provide someone with a mish-mash of steps from a whole bunch of related products you are used to.

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2024, 01:36:16 am »
Hallucinations 'Я' Us.
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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2024, 09:11:10 pm »
   Had to chuckle, at the lameness.
I simply attempted to do finger motions, for the usual screen expansion;  helps with fine printed graphics, and completely necessary for being able to read some fine print.
   That's not good, when you happen to be trying to obtain a needed phone number (taxi or Uber).   No number, you don't get your ride.

   So, I'd be pissed, at geekle.
Generally, I lament:  "WHO skips on common sense testing, of their new software versions.
The 'previous' versions would function, when a screen expand is called for.

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Re: Getting into GOOGLE'S HEAD: when doing a search (experiment)
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2025, 12:39:57 pm »
In my experience it now displays what it wants to show you, based on your web history, with no regard at all to what you asked it to search for. Keep testing it. A pattern emerges. It hasn't been a search engine for quite a while now.

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