Actually I wish to make some of my posts, in the DODGY SECTION, regarding medical systems and management oddities, a little off from regular electronics issues.
That way others can get exposure to my 'impressions' and possibly provide helpful responses.
But in a wider way, I've wondered how Google gets its peeks, into this forum. Is that a process using hash tags, instead of directly searching on text ?
Suppose someone wishes to buy a typewriter, and they Google for prices. If there is a review topic, on EEVBLOG, that would get on the person's result list, of various typewriter selling locations, (and any reviews).
A similar thing already happened, as I can search on my Mechanical Computer documents, and get a hit on some of the content I had done, on EEVBLOG.
So I'm wondering about how Google found that, in the case of my comments showing up, in Google search, vs no hits on other text I had.
I don't really know a lot about hash tags related to searches, and having difficulty forming my question, even, as I don't know enough to ask the right things.
A common problem with students, I know.