Products > Dodgy Technology
Impenetrable Un-Hackable Secure Server
Saying IOT should make you run because that implies that it's extremely vunerable, has not even the concept of security, and is also a useless pile o' crap!
Real IOT (not the wankery bluetooth or wifi LAN controlled crap that people slap "IOT" on when it has no internet connection) is also almost certainly laced with nasty spyware.
So they're hosting a spyware server then? Instructions: take out of box, place directly in grinder... :P
--- Quote from: Cyberdragon on July 04, 2018, 12:52:37 am ---So they're hosting a spyware server then? Instructions: take out of box, place directly in grinder... :P
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Not just any spyware server. A secure, unhaxable spyware server! :-+
--- Quote from: X on July 04, 2018, 06:23:58 am ---
--- Quote from: Cyberdragon on July 04, 2018, 12:52:37 am ---So they're hosting a spyware server then? Instructions: take out of box, place directly in grinder... :P
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Not just any spyware server. A secure, unhaxable spyware server! :-+
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To ensure all of the data they steal from you can never be discovered or retreived by anyone that doesn't pay the ransom for your data. >:D
--- Quote from: Cyberdragon on July 03, 2018, 02:45:06 pm ---Pfft! Wafer locks! :-DD I would pick the teachers' file cabinets with paperclips all the time in high school.
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Glad I wasn't the only one :-DD
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