Products > Dodgy Technology

Indian "Car that runs on Aluminum and water" ? Dodgy or not?

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It comes from IIT Rourkee.

They use the magic word "graphene" too. What do people think?

"The car runs on a simple fuel cell technology that uses electrochemical reaction to produce electricity. There is a graphene rod along the metal plate that generates electricity with water as its base for the chemical reaction.

The electricity thus generated is sent to an electric motor that drives the car."

It appears to have won some prestigious prizes as well as created a 'buzz" on Twitter.

Does it run?


A zero emission fuel cell that is capable of powering a car that consists of a graphene rod, a consumable aluminium plate and water? No way. :bullshit: This will turn out to be another student design project that doesn't scale from the tiny prototype they've made where they get some tiny voltage from this cell and just blindly extrapolated that a really huge one would be capable of powering a car.

Aluminium air batteries exist, and physical refuelling has been proposed before. An Indian startup who's claim to fame is a cigarette filter and an oil absorber developing one with good enough performance to power a car in next to no time seems unlikely though, last year they were only talking about slightly improving lead acid batteries.

All it took was the first word of the title to convince me it wasn't going to work as proposed.


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