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Insane YouTuber has FREE ENERGY plan!
This guy thinks he has the answer for free energy (really, he believes in perpetual motion / over unity).
He uses an Arduino for this circle jerk!
It SOUNDS so REASONABLE, to hear him describe it.😁
No way I will listen to 40 minutes of this...
Here's the web page the guy seems to be reading aloud throughout the video:
But, come to think of it -- I don't think I can be bothered to read that page either... :P
Here is another, by the same guy.
He SOUNDS so erudite, and certain.
In this he gives all sorts of calculations and formulae, but he just pulls it out of his back orifice.
Anyone putting so much thought and effort into this wild goose chase deserves at least a small audience, all laughing out loud!
See if you can count his errors!
I have seen the incredible amounts of hits these free energy Vids get on YT. I thought i'd do one myself and see how many hits I could get. I didn't get a lot.
Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned solar panels and shown them in the thumbnail. Would have been much better to show some electronic components randomly soldered together And just Titled it Simple free energy device. Then shown the solar panels in the vid.
These free energy morons need a slap in the face with a shovel. Their Hokus Pokus ALWAYS works, never any question and anyone who says different is supposedly bought and sold by big oil or is a gubberment agent or what ever.
I have seen it on different sites many times.
Someone makes a claim they have built something and it generates KW of power. Often this can be nothing more that a series of shafts, belts and flywheels with a motor or 3 thrown in and it's supposedly making a load of power even when the unplug the thing from the socket. Inevitably you will have a bunch of Punjabs and Pakis all desperately asking how much and supplying their contact details with their interest in buying one.
Whatever the dreamers build works without question and they are heralded as heros by the other KoolAide drinkers.
Someone else builds it exactly and says it makes nothing or uses power. That person ALWAYS did something wrong. They used the wrong marzel Vane coptic wane shaft, Their alignment of the lunar wizz coil was off, They didn't wait for the correct phase of the moon or it's due to the price of haddock in the Reykjavik fish market at the moment but will work as soon as it comes back down.
Never a fault with the design, always with the build.
Then you get some other guy that claims he got an old tin can, a piece of fencing wire, An old vaccum tube from where grandpappy fixed the old wireless set in 1912, Pissed in the can and rigged it all up and has been running his whole hose and the neighbors either side off it off the setup for 11 months.
Straight away he is championed as a hero and indisputable proof that free energy really exists and it's scientific fact!
I have learned that making free energy Viable takes a certain skill set and personality traits. Like some other beliefs, Free energy works immensely better if you have an open mind and dispatch with preconceived ideas that are a restraint in making free energy work.
Things like laws of physics, scientific principals, facts, truth, real and accurate measurements, honesty, reality, Proof and sobriety are all best put behind those looking to make free energy work and open their minds to limitless possibilities and opportunities.
OTOH, there are other things which are helpful to achieving success each and every Time, LSD, marijuana, Crack Cocaine and other mind altering drugs are a good start as is Valium, and copious amounts of alcohol. Full frontal Labotomys are the best of all for the really serious free energy devotees. Getting off your tits on these substances can be a great help in seeing the benefits and helping others see the benefits of Free energy as well.
Not a matter so much of what you do, but the attitude and substances you take.
Red Squirrel:
I sometimes feel like making something like this just to get views.... but I would feel so bad doing BS like that.
Maybe April Fools I can come up with something. >:D
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