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MacBook Pro speakers physically damaged by playing sounds through them
So, yeah, it's apparently possible to physically damage MacBook Pro's speakers by making them play noise :palm: I'm not exactly the greatest fan of Adobe and their software quality but FFS, one could reasonably assume no audio signal, however random, should be able to physically damage any part of a fully-integrated audio reproduction system. What's next, "Playing dubstep on this device will invalidate warranty" disclaimers?
Isn't that a product liability issue on Adobe's side? It's also not too unusual that you can mess up speakers and preamps by playing the wrong waveform at a too high volume.
Drop the speaker thing, its scary that this bug will also play that sound at maximum volume through headphones, which can cause serious injuries.
If you have not already, you may be interested in reading "Godel, Escher, Bach - An Eternal Golden Braid" by Douglas R. Hofstadter. The full text is available online here:
Hear is an excerpt that starts a discussion somewhat relevant to this thread:
Tortoise: A type of music which you are most unlikely to have heard of. call it "music to break phonographs by".
It appears Apple is not the only ones cheaping out with DC-blocking capacitors or otherwise underrated components...
My humble opinion, after 40 years of designing, building and servicing audio equipment, is that there is a serious bug (or deliberate stinginess) in the design of the laptop audio system.
There is no reason for the integrated speakers to fail when driven by the integrated amplifier, regardless of the software used.
It i not Adobe's fault, nor user's fault. It is Apple's fault.
Best regards
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