A friend here had instructed me, on how to post multiple photos, but now, I can't find that basic instruction, in my PM messages received...
That last photo posted, showing how a 3 gate line-up would exhibit a slightly longer delay, than the lower signal path shown, having 2 gates.
So, for a brief time, your output gate, doing negative logic AND function, will issue a pulse turn-on, that should (in theory,...sigh..), should last, perhaps 100 nano seconds, until that last upper path gate goes to 'ON' state...THAT should then disable the negative logic AND performed by the very last gate in the
line-up. That's why I labeled the last delay gate as being a later rise (of led light output), supposedly allowing some short time, to issue a pulse, indicating that a positive or rising edge occured, at the left-side signal input.
Failed theory, on my part, is OK here, as that's part of the whole learning process, for adapting those little yard lights to switch, like a TTL logic device could.
One possible explanation, (I gotta get on the 'OSCOPE, in the landlord's electronics bench); it is possible, some extremely brief light pulse IS happening, ...just not visible !!
(I'll be checking for that, lol).
Another possible switching action detail, is that the tiny increased spacing, gate to gate, creates some analog related delay, as perhaps electronic rise times in each light transmitting gate is increased, not due to distance related light propagation, but due to simple reductions in input intensity, to the solar cell used as light sensor.
Either way, just gonna take some time, and motion. I have access to a very decent LAB and workbench, and rental (from a Mechanical Engineer, who does Electronic stuff).
Meanwhile, I'm investigating the whole 'product quality' snaffoo, where those little garden lights got 'dumbed down', this year lasting only into about 9 pm, while older garden lights had more reasonable usefull run times (at least to 1 am).
Please see photo, showing three 'generations' of these little solar light systems. The bigger unit on left in photo (circa 2010' ish) provided 3.6 volts, wired out to your various LED lamps around the garden. Then, sometime after about 2015, those independently charged garden lights arrived on market: providing decent running hours, usually past 11 pm, (at least).
Please refer to photo.
Thanks for reading!