Yes it's a fairly simple and existing technique, intro into CARD COUNTING:
Suppose, (at a party), I announce that "I have a card, here, and can anyone tell me which card, 1 through 9 that I'm holding ?"
Someone guesses, '9', and I say no.
Now, the odds are now changed, better, at 1 in 8 choices left,...ultimately near the end, you've got maybe TWO choices (50 % likely correct guess). With gambling you could perhaps tolerate this uncertainty by way of your betting strategy, which is functionally valid. Best proof of that, in a casino, is that management doesn't like (your) self-tracking counting for that purpose.
Such a strategy still might be useful in something like audio playback, having a 'glitchy' sound but infrequently. Bank accounts would be too risky, to tolerate such predictable errors. Still, I was surprised and amused, at how far one could go, as a 'number detective's.
The biggest plus, for me, has been a more working contact with all the parameters needed for physical engaging the optical realm:. Now, I know, a little better, the difference between, say, a MICRON and a NANO-METER, in everyday terms, vs light beam wavelengths.
Two buggabos bothering me, these days are, these increment / decrement functions, and, the holy grail; Being able to do a test, or conditional processing.
So far, can only barely anticipate, doing an end-test, for zero valued numbers. That's a much bigger hill to die on, than simple decrements.
A good goal, maybe obtainable by 2040 (at my rate), is to be able to operate 'just like' a common 32 bit processor, around 2005 vintage. Scheme here looks like several modules (optical), each doing 3 bits, out of total 32 binary bits.