Let's dip into 'Confusion Land' for a minute, might help:
A person could stare at (latest diagram) and declare "look at all those zeros, in a binary hexadecimal number like 0b h,... or 1011b, How am I to translate those embedded zeros, for this other format, then ?"
That's a confused question in itself, but key to it is to view the number as a whole. Any zeros are part of a conventional binary coded representation. Out of the whole, 16 state word range, there is only one actual 'zero' value.
Looking at a single binary bit transfer, (see diagram), that can send two separate states; a zero, or a one. Now in this case we are only considering a tiny sized 'word', of two variations. You put (a voltage) on one of the transmit lines, and then pulse a clock, in a second BUS line.
On the bottom portion of this diagram is shown the alternate, which is to separately send one or the other, as a self-contained pulse. Note that in that example you've used the same number of lines, for the possible state transfers.
(Next size up, 3 states or 4, would involve 3 lines in conventional binary code, while the larger set-up in the discrete signal type method will need FOUR lines, to be able to transfer 4 states.
So, you don't actually 'translate' each instance of zero, but rather it's only the first state, in your word. For a 16 state equivalent (conventional 4 bit, in binary code) you would need 16 discrete sending lines.