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--- Quote from: EEVblog on October 22, 2024, 11:40:27 pm ---Well, it seems that Rouute has gone into administration:

BUT, like a phoenix from the ashes comes R-2ENERGY!

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To be fair, R-2Energy claims to be doing something new. Rouute was trying to power the grid with renewable energy. R-2Energy's video claims they are powering the grid with renewable energy concepts. We know that can work. There's a lot of releasable energy in bovine animal waste.


--- Quote from: coppice on October 25, 2024, 03:36:43 pm ---To be fair, R-2Energy claims to be doing something new. Rouute was trying to power the grid with renewable energy. R-2Energy's video claims they are powering the grid with renewable energy concepts.

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Ah yes, going from a lie to a conceptual lie is the natural progression for a serial startup entrepreneur in the green energy domain.

Analog Kid:

--- Quote from: coppice on October 25, 2024, 03:36:43 pm ---R-2Energy's video claims they are powering the grid with renewable energy concepts. We know that can work. There's a lot of releasable energy in bovine animal waste.

--- End quote ---

Yep, that and just plain old hot air as an energy resource.


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