Products > Dodgy Technology

Scam or Credible product?

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I ran into this website after a colleague referred to it for energy harvesting.

I suspect it is another snake oil scam..

Maybe someone more experienced can comment on whether such claims of extracting energy from motion and RF energy is practical?
I suspect their modules are the low power and ultra low power modules hooked to a supercap and a COTS energy harvesting IC.

As long as the power consumption is extremely low there is nothing wrong with energy harvesting. A button press or a single sensor read doesn't consume a lot of energy.

There are more than 8000 videos on YouTube on "enocean" - a lot of these are made by themselves or their partners, but there are also a lot of videos I would consider independent. E.g. the one by Peter Oakes from 2014:

I'm sure that someone would have figured out by now if it is a scam and written about it.

I stand corrected.. and got to learn something along the way! :-)

Thank you @larsdenmark
It didn't strike me to maybe check on youtube..

EnOcean are for real, they've been around for many years, and their products are commercially available.

I dimly remember Dave briefly checking out some of their hardware when it came as part of some energy harvesting kit from... Silabs maybe? Unfortunately I can't find it right now.


--- Quote from: Maxlor on June 25, 2018, 05:31:47 pm ---EnOcean are for real, they've been around for many years, and their products are commercially available.

I dimly remember Dave briefly checking out some of their hardware when it came as part of some energy harvesting kit from... Silabs maybe? Unfortunately I can't find it right now.

--- End quote ---
Dave doing a video on Peltier TEG device energy harvesting:


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