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Software for 50Mhz AD9850 Dual Channel Sine/Square Wave DDS Signal Generator
I purchased one of these boards on ebay. And when I finally got the software link and started going through the convoluted mess of folders trying to find a pin-out chart and the actual software my anti-virus had a hairy Kinipshit and quarantined just about everything, Turns out it was loaded with trojans and adware. Hence the Dodgy thread.
I was wondering if anyone has a clean copy or knows a link to a clean copy of the software. I did manage to open a pin-out chart and schematic without a red flag going off so I do have that much. I would hate to throw this thing in the junk bin as it was $35.00CAD and he only gave me a $7.00 refund which was cheaper than mailing it back ( bartered a deal for some kelvin clips for my DER EE De500LCR so that was ok).
Here's a pic of an identical board:
Ok that didn't work let me figure this out
No real comment on software - but there was some discussion on a board using this chip a while back:
Don't know if this will be of any use to you.
What is uCPU? Google "arduino + ad9850" - plenty of libraries.
That's just a DDS eval board. There is no MCU present. You have to connect it to something like an Arduino. There are probably more examples for the Arduino than anything else, but I'm sure that every MCU on the planet has had interface code written for these.
The fact that yours has SMA outputs is a big step up from many versions. Since you're probably new to the field, "Arduino modules" are not very standard. They'll all work, but you have to check the pin assignments actually used. It's not difficult, but it's confusing if you don't know to do it. You'll find an example Sketch for the AD9850/1 in the Arduino IDE but you need to verify that the pin assignments on your board match the code.
"arduino ad9850 19581"
will get you everything you need to know.
If I were you I would never ever install anything from a disk that came with the ebay modules, and instead go to the manufacturer of the chip or github, download source, inspect it visually, make any changes you need, and then compile it yourself.
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