Products > Dodgy Technology
Spidey senses went off on this one... CircaCharge
Maybe it's just the marketing copy, but this seems to me to be scammy. I saw this on a facebook post (paid ad methinks).
I'm paranoid that they're preying on our paranoia!
Maybe it's the comments all written within the last "few hours" but of course there's no way to comment
the official site:
I'm sure it's just 1 in a million device charging scams (or at very least, extreme over stating of capabilities)
Total BS just like Batterizer. Claiming the impossible with OOOOWWEEEEEWOOOO tech and technobabble. ::)
Wow, total scam with BS info, fake special offer, and fake comments.
The stuff about "Lisa Phan" in that first site you linked appears to be total garbage as well. No other reference to her to be found, not even on the actual CircaCharge site.
Do a Google search on "circacharge scam" and you'll mostly get fake review sites trying to convice you it isn't a scam.
And the actual CircaCharge site looks a bit more reasonable compared to that first one, but it is still just an over-hyped crappy wireless charger.
The names are fake.
Just do a simple google search on the images.
William Devon
Taken from:
James Slocum
Mary Vernon
Taken from:
Patricia Powell a writer at Disney.
Looks like they did a poor job of not copying the picture but not the name.
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