Products > Dodgy Technology

Snake oil

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When you know there is no need to believe. It works around the clock, without sun and wind. Just as it worked for N. Tesla, and on the same principle.

If this is a free energy circuit, why does it need the Tr transformer and connection to 220V ?


--- Quote from: Bud on July 10, 2023, 04:41:58 pm ---If this is a free energy circuit, why does it need the Tr transformer and connection to 220V ?

--- End quote ---
For start.

Then it will consume energy for which you have to pay. Therefore it is not free.

And what is the deal with 4 kW, why is the limitation? Why not 4 MW or 4 GW?  There is a lot more of free energy out there, I want all my free energy.

The claim, not supported by physics, is that one can "start" the circuit by applying power, then disconnect the source, and the circuit will continue to supply useful electrical power to a load indefinitely without further additional input energy.
Such a claim would be easy to prove, if true, but also easy to fake by surreptitiously supplying power to the circuit.
The interested reader should search for independent third-party evaluation of these devices (rather than believe the inventor's own claims).
Another form of hypothetical device is a black box that outputs more power than input to it ("over-unity").
Again, carefully check the demonstrations to ensure that the two powers are measured correctly (which is not as easy as it sounds, for other than DC at both ports).


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