What is your theory?
My theory is that a certain percentage of the population are batshit crazy. There's another percentage who are extremely gullible. Then there are those who are looking for simple answers to complex or unknown phenomena. The signal to noise ratio is so bad that I don't think any of this proves anything at all.
Why is it so hard to accept the reality the Djinns are all over us? Tens of thousands of people have met them. There's something that I'm still figuring out now. If Keel frame of reference means the entities need something to copy like dirigibles or foo fighters in the past. Where did they get the idea of using flying saucer? This is why I'm thinking if the Greys are the real ET (borqs) and the Djinns are separate where they acquire the appearance of the camouflage of their shapeless Ufos using the Saucer of the Greys to hide their true nature.
Also I'm thinking if Hybrids are real, whether they are Grey Hybrids or just Djinn Hybrids walking among us (which is your guess, guys?). In the following in Jacobs The Threat, an abductee was told to have oral sex with the Hybrid because she was trying to use electronic instruments to detect them..
"Five hybrids of different stages accosted Laura in her room one night. They did not like
the fact that she was using electronic instruments to detect their presence—at least that
was the excuse they used. She remembered that they had acted this way in the past, even
before she was aware of her abductions.
She was lying next to her husband when the independent hybrid activity began.
There's like five of them coming in from the foot of my bedroom.... And they're
coming in fast. They're not gray ones. There's one that looks, it looks like it's
more gray. But it's still a hybrid that's white. The one looks really close to being
human.... He's got long hair almost like [my husband] Ed's.... I think they came in
a clump. I was like on my side. The foot of the bed is down there—I was looking
down. I must've turned my head and been looking down, because there's ... I don't
think there's five of them. They came in a cluster, but the one is coming up ahead.
He doesn't look happy. He looks mean.... God, he's on top of me.
Ed is lying right next to you? Mm-hmm. There's nothing I can do. Well, was this
guy wearing anything originally?
... He's got nothing on him.... I'm looking over toward my bedroom door, 'cause
three of them are going in, they're going into the kids' room. My kids are going to
see this shit.
How do you know?
'Cause they're standing near the door.
The kids are standing in the doorway looking at you?
While he's on top of you?
Yeah.... I'm being told this is going to happen to my kids. If I keep this up, it's
going to happen to my kids.
If you keep ... keep this up? Keep what up? The [detector] and fighting back.
Well, he's on top of you. Is this a full-fledged business, in other words, is this just
a demonstration, or does he just—?
I don't know, it's everything. I'm wishing I was dead. I see ... he gets off of me and
there's another one coming over. I can see that first one going over to [my
daughter] Janey. Oh, God.
The first one who just got up from you? • '
What's he doing with Janey?
He's telling me he's going to make her do things if I don't stop.
Oh, damn!
Does Janey react to this or... just stand there and absorb it? She's just real
confused.... And what's [the other one] up to?
I can't tell you. I can't. Oh, shit! Oh, God. I'm down alongside my bed on my
knees. I'm doing oral sex on this son of a bitch!... Now, this is what they're gonna
make Janey do if I don't stop this. And probably the other ones. I feel such shame.
... Now the other three kids are watching this also?
Does this proceed all the way as well, or is it just a demonstration?
No, no, it proceeds. God!
Does this guy say anything, or is it just the main guy who's talking, the first guy?
He's not saying anything, but I can sense his anger. He can be so mean.
What happens when he's finished?
I'm standing up. They're shuffling all the kids back into their room. The first one
is right in my face. He's really angry. I'm not going to do anything. I don't want to
do anything to make them angry again."