Author Topic: US Psychotronics Association  (Read 3229 times)

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Offline mikeselectricstuffTopic starter

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US Psychotronics Association
« on: February 19, 2018, 12:37:18 pm »
Somehow I got onto the newsletter feed of this group of A-grade nutjobs. 100 pages of hilarity...
Youtube channel:Taking wierd stuff apart. Very apart.
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Offline Neomys Sapiens

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Re: US Psychotronics Association
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2018, 11:06:51 pm »
Oh my, you got the real thing there!

'Soviet accumulators of healing energies'? Hah, is THAT the stuff with wich they made the old geezers like Brezhnev walk around if still alive?

'Quantum Agriculture in India 2018'? Normally called a severe famine!

How can this energetic and knowlegdeable body of evolved beings have failed to solve the problems of our planet? Blame it on the Reptiloids again? And I say the Crocs are innocent this time!


Offline helius

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Re: US Psychotronics Association
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2018, 11:24:46 pm »
'Soviet accumulators of healing energies'? Hah, is THAT the stuff with wich they made the old geezers like Brezhnev Lemmy walk around if still alive?

Offline Buriedcode

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Re: US Psychotronics Association
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2018, 01:13:27 am »

Although I'm quite cynical, I am still amazed that not only stuff like this is still about, but just how much of a following it has to warrant seminars and meetings.  We tend to think of weird archaic ideas has being superseded by modern theories that are proved to be correct (beyond a reasonable doubt) by modern life (cars, phones, computers all rely on mechanisms and natural laws that discount these woo ones) but seriously.. I think its actually growing. 

It's even being merged with all the wellness health woo that tries to include "diet and exercise" so it is seen as legitimate, but delve deeper and it's still based on some bizarre 19th century idea of vitalism, "energy" or coffee enema's.

Offline Cyberdragon

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Re: US Psychotronics Association
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2018, 02:09:36 am »
It's even being merged with all the wellness health woo that tries to include "diet and exercise" so it is seen as legitimate, but delve deeper and it's still based on some bizarre 19th century idea of vitalism, "energy" or coffee enema's.

Unfortunately, a lot of the diet and excercise stuff people believe in today is actually ancient BS.

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