actually we have four of the pro ones
Let's say that the level of cluelessness is high but not so high so they should be able to do three simple steps
1)flip the switch into "V"
2)open the app and go into voltage or scope mode
3)point the terminals at the thing they have to measure (granted, 1 out of 5 is not able to do that correctly, we may make an adapter cable just in case)
4)take a screenshot with the button conveniently present in the app and send it to us
pairing was sort of automatic, switch on -> open app -> go to add device, done.
We considered buying cheap usb scopes and sending it to them but there are two problems:
one is that they would never be able to operate one correctly, a meter is something that they may be more familliar with / less intimidated from,
the other is that most of the time they either don't have a computer or have an ancient one

but a good functioning smartphone, oh yes they have one
these are also mechanics that don't have a freaking scan tool, which may have been fine 20 years ago but today with the amount of electronics cobbled together popping up errors randomly on stock cars, usually communication faults, because the whole architecture is a clusterfuck of things rushed to release a diagnosis is a must, instead when they have to clear codes they are fine taking half an hour to go to a friend of theirs rather than buying a generic scan tool for 5 euro on amazon or ebay that works 95% of the time (in fact we also bught a lot of those and resell to them)
The problem with regular multimeters is that they are unable to read them correctly (as i mentioned they will say like 2.5 without specifying the unit and a day and a half later when you can't find the problem and repeat the measurement it comes out that it was millivolts. Of course if you asked them the first time they said the wrong one.) or they have broken screens because you know things get dropped but it still works so we won't change this 5 euro piece of shit meter. I was thinking to get some of the newer pocket meters with just three buttons so it's in autorange all of the time - oh yes ranges are a problem too - but this has a scope function that actually works quite well.
Again, imagine give a scope to these people, i actually had to do once, we needed some measurement on this really strange fuel pressure sensor that we found only in a variant of dodge ram apparently present only in costa rica and i needed to see the waveform so our guy called his friend which apparently was good in electronics (spoiler alert: not) that had a scope, which was more or less one of those toys scope from velleman with a 128x64 monochrome screen. Our guy provided translation but it was really difficult to get what we wanted, but in the end he made it. This took three days to set up the meeting and about four hours of my time to babysit two people, one speaking a different language for which i don't know any words. One of these pokit is going to this guy straight away.
Re: Mooshimeter, yes the form factor is quite different, it's again something that might frighten these people less. Specs aren't everything.