Products > Dodgy Technology
Wi-Charge Infrared Wireless Charging
Linus tested it:
But didn't us a power meter, no mention of system efficiency, or how the directional aspect works.
Precious Roy:
I just saw this and thought of the other wireless room charging we saw a while ago and i was wondering what you all think about this one. Real and practical or fake/unusable?
and an actual vid of it in action by a reputable source:
He mentioned something like 0.5W for the small phone case and 1.5W maximum for the larger receiver unit for the speaker. So not uselessly low but still significantly less than a traditional charger.
I can see niche use cases. Although the example given (cell phone chargers in coffee shop), could be achieved other ways. You could simply use a larger internally battery, and take the units to a charging dock at the end of the day for example. 1.5W * 10hr = 15WHr, not much more than a single 18650 lithium cell.
No mention of efficiency no, in the comments someone calculated around 20-30% optimal (photovoltaic efficiency combined with IR LED/laser efficiency).
So pretty much 'Completely useless test, Holy Sh*t"
Laser beamed IR does sent power to solar cells exactly as advertised. What they are not saying is that to get 1 watt out at the other side, you need a good 5-10 watts of optical power landing directly on the solar cell and the power efficiency of the laser to convert DC current into watts isn't also that accurate as well as aiming the beam directly on target, not to mention that they split the beam to multiple targets. And you need un-obstructed line of sight for only 1 watt of charging power, on phones today which are all display screen.
My whole point about all this tech is that Lithium-Nitrogen batteries are coming soon doubling the current battery size/mah capacity. Unless you don't sleep at all, many handheld devices will no longer need to be charged from day to day. A decade from now when Lithium Oxygen becomes available with over 3x the current capacity, not to mention the portable electronics drawing less current as well as more space for the battery as what final little streamlining there is which can be made, there will be no need to continuously charge our devices as we use them during the day.
This will be a temporary product seeing a limited use at best unless that solar cell can be hidden inside the LCD screen of a phone for near free, available on all phones being sold, it will be a fancy luxury product.
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