Products > Dodgy Technology

Zero distortion amplifier

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A bit of hyperbole going on. I think...

 :palm: They have a bass and treble knobs.  Isn't it the whole purpose of these knobs to distort the signal into a sweetened sound?

Q.U.A.Dramatic ... (Q)uite (U)nconvincing (A)nd Dramatic


--- Quote from: BrianHG on April 18, 2018, 05:14:23 am --- :palm: They have a bass and treble knobs.  Isn't it the whole purpose of these knobs to distort the signal into a sweetened sound?

--- End quote ---

No, bass and treble knobs are just frequency filters. They are not supposed to cause THD. You're thinking of the "English" knobs on guitar amps and such.

EDIT: Their claims are also probably BS. That amp is basic, it somehow has left and right treble, but not even a proper balance comtrol, just a switch! :-DD Why would you even want seperate tone controls for each channel, over a balance control which is more useful! They also have a "contour" switch. What the hell does that mean? That sounds like it would add distortion, which is fine, but don't give it a stupid name! My cheapo old transistor amp has more funtionality than that POS! Oh hell no, out of my sight with that rubbish before my eyes bleed! :-- 

*burries himself in a box of tubes* "Wake me up when it's gone!"

i bet it wouldn't go to 11 without distortion.


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