If you want a precise location, that can be done 2 ways with older Eagle versions (i.e., 7.x and before). I am not sure about the Autodesk versions, but suspect they are the same.
1) Use properties ("i") and grid to adjust xy. Eagle generally considers an object's center as its location or add a mark for alignment. Then move the object close, but not too close to where you want it. Check its position x and y. Set grid to x-error, move to make zero and do the same for y-error. You want to keep that grid somewhat coarse, like 0.1" or so. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get just one increment.
2) You can also use the command line, e.g., to move the object center to origin, the command is: move (c>0 0) (0.xxxx 0.yyyyy) where 0.xxxx and 0.yyyy are the signed offset you need. You get the offset needed same way as in #1.
Getting a trace accurately aligned was probably more important in earlier versions where "overlap but not connected" was a frequent error. Newer versions that snap a trace to a connection are probably not that sensitive.