Electronics > Eagle

Eagle will be part of Fusion360

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I just opened one of my projects in Eagle and got a banner telling me that Eagle will be dead on June 7 2026, with a link to a post that says

--- Quote ---Effective June 7, 2026, Autodesk will no longer sell or support EAGLE. Moving forward, we will continue to invest our energy in Fusion 360 Electronics.
--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Unixon on June 13, 2021, 07:44:53 am ---Every "urn" attribute in project file compliant to this DTD points to an online resource, so please do two+ things with respect to each type of resource:
1) explain how to get content that URN is pointing to as a local file.
2) provide file format specification for that type of resource.
Optionally, list known software other than Autodesk products that allows meaningful editing of that type of resource.

--- End quote ---

Actually it is worse, since the Urn type does not contain a url. So it can't be dereferenced or downloaded. It doesn't point to an online resource; it asserts that one exists and the Eagle source code knows (knew) how to access it.

2026...Last a while.
I currently have the problem that my free premium license has expired - now they have thrown me back to free and I can no longer edit my boards if they are larger than 100x80, let alone design new larger on... :P


--- Quote from: Martin72 on July 13, 2023, 04:19:51 pm ---2026...Last a while.
I currently have the problem that my free premium license has expired - now they have thrown me back to free and I can no longer edit my boards if they are larger than 100x80, let alone design new larger on... :P

--- End quote ---

If you're OK with v6.5-8.0, you can try https://github.com/mirai-computing/QEagleScaler to get around the board size issue.
Eagle v6.5 is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BygfxWz33b_Sbl9BY3dwWnRpTDA/view?usp=drive_link&resourcekey=0-kjW8u97fQaCm1Dcxgguk_A
Do you need a later version?

Here are the official downloads for all Eagle versions including V7 and V6 from Cadsoft:



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