Electronics > Eagle

Eagle will be part of Fusion360

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Quarlo Klobrigney:
But I have heard that version of libopenssl1_0_0 was vulnerable when I was trying to install some other software which only worked with that version a while back.
I can't remember which but I got warnings of installing that version from my version of OS at that particular time.
I tried Googling what and where but AI makes Google stupider by the minute. The usual " " is ignored now with all manner of everything but what you actually wanted.
Don't get even me started on Chat GPT for anything of use.

Edited for too quick a response without actually being awake.


--- Quote from: Quarlo Klobrigney on November 28, 2024, 01:18:52 pm ---But I have heard that version of libopenssl1_0_0 was vulnerable

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Not a problem because Eagle V7.xx doesn't access the internet (as far as I know). It's being used to check the license.


--- Quote from: Quarlo Klobrigney on November 28, 2024, 01:18:52 pm ---I tried Googling what and where but AI makes Google stupider by the minute.

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This has nothing to do with AI.
The search engine makes money by having you clicking on links like a mad monkey. As a result, they make less money by giving you good answers quickly. They put billions into "optimizing" their algorithms for that, while still occasionally giving some "good" answers to keep you coming back the next time.

--- Quote from: Karel on November 28, 2024, 04:43:28 pm ---
--- Quote from: Quarlo Klobrigney on November 28, 2024, 01:18:52 pm ---But I have heard that version of libopenssl1_0_0 was vulnerable

--- End quote ---
Not a problem because Eagle V7.xx doesn't access the internet (as far as I know). It's being used to check the license.

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It's the price you pay for insisting on using obsolete software. eagle probably won't do anything nefarious with that library, but who guarantees some other malware won't abuse it?


--- Quote from: Doctorandus_P on November 28, 2024, 07:07:45 pm ---It's the price you pay for insisting on using obsolete software. eagle probably won't do anything nefarious with that library, but who guarantees some other malware won't abuse it?

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The best security is anonymity.  One of my uncles was a diamond dealer.  You can't imagine what he nonchalantly carried in his coat pockets.  No handcuffed briefcase, none of that Hollywood stuff. 

Who would waste their time writing malware for and trying to exploit users of a virtually anonymous program?  BTW, I am still an Eagle user, but don't spread the word..


--- Quote from: Quarlo Klobrigney on November 28, 2024, 01:18:52 pm ---But I have heard that version of libopenssl1_0_0 was vulnerable when I was trying to install some other software which only worked with that version a while back.

--- End quote ---

Unless some other programs are linked with libopenssl1_0_0 it shouldn't be much of an issue. You could move the old lib to a dedicated directory and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before starting Eagle (hint: put everything in a small shell script). This way you can keep the old lib separate.


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