I'm using Eagle 6.3 after many years of using 4.16r2. Overall the new version is pretty easy to use once you relearn where everything has been placed that you use all the time.
There is an annoyance in the group move function: In the old version, you could select 'Group' in the side bar and box the area of components, and then you could select what you wanted to do with them. To move the group you select 'group' on the side bar then right-click anywhere on the group and it would highlight and you could move it around.
In 6.3 the 'Group' blocks the area in a shaded box. Then you can right-click on the group and a menu of options is displayed. The 'Move' option is down at the bottom of this menu and when you click on it, the box snaps to the cursor. I find this very annoying as I usually only want to make a small move of the group.
Is there anywhere that I can select that the parts do not snap to the cursor?
I think the only work-around is to zoom way in before selecting the move function and have the grid lines 'on' to see a relevant dimension. Life is full of improvisations.
On a different subject, it seems very odd that the file management places the Eagle projects in a folder called "Eagle" that is inside a folder called 'Projects'. One cannot place a new project directly into the Project folder as in the older versions of Eagle. There is also an "Examples" folder in the project folder that you cannot get rid of.
Other gripes: I see there are many new options in the 'Change' menu, the top six or so I will never use and all the ones that relate to the schematic or board are further down and in a different order than before. All the new features I believe were part of integrating Eagle with other mechanical and simulation programs. I use Eagle to make mechanical drawings for my machine shop guy, and it seems well enough as 2D. I've managed so far to keep all 3 Ds aligned as they should without the universe imploding

... just as in olden tymes...