This is for eagle <v9, I know the later versions have a "convert to polygon" button, but the version I use doesn't.
I've found dxf import really helpful for creating complex trace shapes, defining the traces in more mechanical CAD packages, then converting to dxf and importing as a series of lines with eagle thickens up in to traces of an appropriate width during the import process.
But now I want to do it for "polygon" areas too, so I can have large copper planes in specific shapes.
I don't see any way to convert a selected group of imported wire lines in to a polygon area, is there a trick applicable to eagle versions before the "convert to polygon" right click option was introduced in about v9.6 ish.
I've tried looking for alternative dxf import ULPs to the inbuilt one, but all of these either end up importing just like the inbuilt one, or importing nothing at all whilst not giving even an error message.
I've also tried converting dxfs to svg then using an svg importer ULP, this gives no result either and no error message.
I even thought of importing dxfs to the copper keepout layers, then defining large polygons to enclose them, but this would end up with usefully shaped ppour areas inside the dxf's outline, but also unwanted pour areas outside the outline with no practical means of erasing those outer pour regions.
The inbuilt dxf importer functionality always shows you the "script" it is about to run before it does so, this script can be edited with some find and replace, but none of the things I've tried there seem to work either. Each line shows the import of a "wire" segment and defines end points, but it doesn't work if I swap the word "wire" for "poly" on each line.
I did find some limited examples of polygon generating scripts online, manually created ones, can anyone explain if there is a way to convert the import script of a dxf so it comes in as a polygon instead?
DXF import example (partial):
# dxfimport generated script file.
Grid mic 1 off;
Set Wire_Bend 2;
Change Font Vector;
Wire 200 (-6636.06 112.95) (-6600.52 87.09);
Wire 200 (-6600.52 87.09) (-6416.43 -42.77);
Wire 200 (-6416.43 -42.77) (-6382.17 -63.86);
Wire 200 (-6382.17 -63.86) (-6205.03 -169.46);
Wire 200 (-6205.03 -169.46) (-6173.68 -185.69);
Wire 200 (-6173.68 -185.69) (-6011.86 -266.52);
#various other wire lines here which I've cut out to keep the post short
Wire 200 (-1593.80 -427.10) (-1635.90 -215.40);
Wire 200 (-1635.90 -215.40) (-1650.00 0.00);
Window Fit;
# lines=960, arcs=0, circles=0, polylines=0
Grid last;Polygon generation example:
Change Layer Top;
Change Pour Solid;
Poly .2 (0 -50) @-50 (0 50) (0 31.7) @+31.7 (0 -31.7) (0 -50);
Poly .2 (0 -50) @+50 (0 50) (0 31.7) @-31.7 (0 -31.7) (0 -50);And even trying to edit that polygon script causes it to crash if some of the numbers get changed.
Any suggestions would be appreciated of ways to get polygon area pours from imported dxfs.