I have used scored boards service at JLCPCB. When you do this you will encounter an engineering fee. As an example I had them make 3x3 arrays of this board for testing components: The board was 31.7mm x 31.7mm. I used panel by JLCPCB.

The result is I get 5 panel with 9 boards on each, a total of 45 boards for $7.80
If you panelize them like this:

You can get multiple boards, same design, without the engineering fee. But this is a lot of effort adding the routing and mouse bites. These panels are the standard price $2.00 special offer, $4.00 normal price.
If there are multiple designs on the same panel, you get charged engineering fees:

In your case if you order them separately, the first board will be $2.00 and the second board will be $4.00 and the total will be $6.00. You will get five of each. It will be cheaper and you don't have to mess around panelizing them.
I would just go with the two boards separately.