Author Topic: "X-Ray" or "See-Through" view of PCB - making them from separate drawn layouts?  (Read 1686 times)

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Offline Chris56000Topic starter

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Another Member is having problems with a UTG9005C Function Generator:-

The OP posted the PCB drawings, which I attach to this post but I can't find the actual schematics anywhere!

Can anyone point me in the direction of a good tutorial that will enable me to put the copper-side and component-side views of each PCB -"on top" of each other, with the copper-side artwork made a light colour, i.e., a "see-through" view of the PCB shown from the top side like you get in Service Manuals & Constructor's Magazines?

I once saw an "Instructable" that showed how to do this but I can't seem to find it now!

If I can do that I can then draught a set of schematics and help the original chappie who's having trouble with his unit!

Chris Williams
« Last Edit: March 17, 2018, 01:05:47 pm by Chris56000 »
It's an enigma that's what it is!! This thing's not fixed because it doesn't want to be fixed!!

Offline rhb

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I can't point to specific instructions, but Gimp should be able to do that.  Be aware that Postscript/PDF writes layers and the visibility is granted the last layer drawn unless you take steps to mitigate that property.  Half toning the underside  and drawing it last is probably the easiest solution.

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