Author Topic: AC power ground fill?  (Read 2783 times)

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Offline djacobowTopic starter

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AC power ground fill?
« on: February 14, 2014, 12:02:12 am »
I'm working on YALDP (Yet Another Light Dimmer Project). My question is primarily about ground and power planes.

I've already made a revision of this board that works fine except for a couple of minor bodges, which I'm clearing up in this go. My first board also did not use planes, and I was thinking I should do so this time.

This board is organized into a DC side and an AC side. The parts between them are optos and there is no electrical connection between the sides whatsoever. The PCB has route-outs under the optos.

I decided to add Vcc and Gnd ground planes on the DC side because everyone says this is better -- though the benefits seem to accrue mainly to the fab house. Is this worth doing? They planes OK to me, but I'm a noob at PCBs.

I am also considering adding planes on the AC side. Of course, they would not be connected to those on the DC side. I was thinking of AC_GROUND on the bottom and AC_NEUTRAL on the top.

1) is this safe?
2) is there any reason to do this?

To me, it looks funny and brings NEUTRAL close to various HOT traces in many more places than they would otherwise be, and this might encourage arcing. On the other hand, it's not like those traces don't come together at the triacs and other spots, so maybe no big deal.

On the AC side I have the "isolate" set to 0.07. It's 0.024 on the DC side.

I'm also open to other general feedback.

Dave J

PS --

I am an EE and understand the dangers of AC power. I also know that I don't know enough to make a board that would pass UL et al approval. That's not my aim. I only want to make a reasonably safe board that I can use around the house for some home automation projects.

Offline AlfBaz

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Re: AC power ground fill?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2014, 02:10:50 am »
I guess the question is, are there any benefits crucial to the operation of this device afforded by those planes on the AC side or is there an alternative to shield against switching noise. When doing risk analysis the first port of call for hazards is their elimination

Offline djacobowTopic starter

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Re: AC power ground fill?
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2014, 02:45:39 am »
Thanks for the reply. If I understand, I think you're suggesting that unless I can come up with a reason to do this, I shouldn't. Well, on the AC side, no, I don't see how these will help, and can probably hurt by forming antennas to radiate EMI and by in general making bridges more likely.

I'm taking the AC planes out.

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