I want to add assembly rails to my Kicad board design using Kikit, but I see slots are added by Kikit which could pose a problem when the rails are broken off.
A picture is attached to aid in making the problem clearer.
The script I'm using is:
kikit panelize \
--layout 'grid; rows: 1; cols: 1' \
--cuts 'vcuts; clearance: 1.5mm' \
--framing 'railslr; width: 7mm' \
--fiducials '4fid; voffset: 5mm; hoffset: 3.85mm; coppersize: 1mm; opening: 2mm' \
--copperfill solid \
esp32-dc-monitor-controller.kicad_pcb panel/panel-esp32-dc-monitor-controller.kicad_pcb
Unless there is a slot requirement for manufacturability, it would seem to me that the slots will cause material to be left behind when the rails are broken off.
Does anyone know if there is a way to remove these slots in kikit?