Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD

Advantages with 4 layers without blind/burried vias?

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If you have something fast switching on the 12V level, I would probably try to contain it to an area and give it a power plane.
Same if you have some very high currrents and you're worried about impedance or heating. Keeps the traces short and sweet.
If the 12V is mainly doing slow stuff and supply, you can just run it as a trace to where you need it.

Most of what we do in the automotive sector is done on 4 layers with standard vias, 6 layers is usually too expensive.
Given the sheer of different supply nets, high current traces and the like, layer 3 ends up being quite the mosaic.
Albeit in inverters, more often than not we have to compromise on proper power planes since we route on layer 3 as well. Still works somehow.

I have a buck (AP64352Q) with programmable switching frequency (100kHz to 2.2MHz). Seems i need to move higher than 480kHz to get the current I need out of it (~500mA), so I'll go with 500kHz.
Besides that, there is no switching or high currents.
I was thinking to make a small polygon for an internal isolated ground plane under the automotive 12V power input (tvs, reverse polarity, overcurrent, overvoltage, etc). Then connect this at a single point to the rest of the internal ground plane. Good idea?
Something to watch out for?


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