I like easyEDA but its bugs are the worst:
1: while spacing is still set to 10, moving many nets at once often results in many being slightly offset, and thus connecting the 2 together needs annoying 1 spaced offsets in traces.
2: doubled traces/random connections. really often some traces just double up when you move them. and the way the traces move when you move them is unpedictable, sometimes the whole trace moves, sometimes it does what I want: move. but most often it splits into 500 ancors and its just faster to delete it and make a new trace.
3: not really a bug, but when making part layouts/presets it doesnt allow more than one pin to be the same index, but what if you want to have multiple connections to the same pin in the schematic... I dont see why this should be a limitation set in place.
any way to fix these? I somehow doubt professional circuit designers ever use easyEDA for these reasons.