Matt should have just been honest and said it's going cloud and subscription based.
@Dave, it's not going subscription. So there. At this stage, that isn't anywhere on my roadmap.
Autodesk used to be one of my favourite companies but after they way we were treated, I do not trust them.
They may not go to subscription, but if they follow the Maya pattern, they may give you the choice of either paying an expensive yearly support fee that gives you free upgrades or loosing any right to a future economical upgrade price for your product. Want to upgrade the software you bought last year? - Buy at full price again.
A studio I worked with had seven Maya licenses - cost us about A$30,000. We had done some Maya 2012 work, but then moved to more 2D animation so we didn't want to spend money on the unused Maya. Autodesk decided to change their Maya licensing so that unless we paid A$10,000 a year support (and that was the discounted price) for software we were not currently using, we would loose any right to upgrade our Maya 2012. We would have to buy Maya at current market prices.
Autodesk also have the habit of stopping support for old versions of products once a new version is released - which happens yearly. So if the latest Windows has a problem with an old version of an Autodesk product, then tough luck. They may tell you that you can use your current license for ever, but it may not run on the current version of Windows. If you find a bug in your licensed version of the software and it is not the latest version, Autodesk will almost certainly not fix the bug.
Autodesk have some incredible products, but they only respect you as a customer if you are paying them lots of money every year. If you are not, then they do not want to know you.
I suspect they will either turn Eagle into a fabulous product, or they will keep buying other PCB software companies until they totally dominate the market and then put all their efforts into just one of the PCB software brands. The other brands they purchase can fade away. Just ask Autodesk how the great Softimage 3D software (a Maya rival) they brought is not going.