Having spent yesterday evening reading the 38 page thread where Member "free electron" Vincent tested AutoTrax DEX and reviewed it's ease–of–use and functionality compared with other free and paid EDA vendors, one thing that strikes me is that how many independently hosted PCB designs have been submitted where the images shown in a Google search do not say "dex.com" underneath them?
I have so far found a grand total of ZERO independently submitted AutoTrax PCB DEX projects, when Eagle has thousands, KiCAD has many hundreds, DipTrace has many hundreds, Abacom's "Sprint Layout" has a huge pile including many very complex designs, DesignSpark has a few dozen, plus a dozen or two "TARGET3001!" designs and a few gEDA, "oddballs" and "abandonware" ones.
Amongst the Online Editors, Altium's Circuit Maker and EasyEDA have their followers as well, altho' I found EasyEDA extremely frustrating because there were no one–click operations on "ratlines!"
Does that not suggest something about AutoTrax DEX that I can't find a completely independent project author who has designed a workable PCB with it? Whatever the reason may be, I don't think it was solely cost, not that that is a problem at the current renewal price! (if there are some, please reply with links!)
Chris Williams