KiCad has the KLC (KiCad Library Convention) and for SMT footprints it recommends the center of the body, but in general it allows to override the KLC itself if there are other recommendations in for example the datasheet of a part.
Worldwide, footprint origin is a big mess. Just as with almost anything, there are no simple or universally adopted standards. Footprint rotation is also problematic. Some assembly houses recommend to use footprint rotation based on the tape, while some manufacturers deliver the same product with different orientations in the tape. It's quite common that this needs human intervention to fix part location / rotation during preparation of the placement. For this reason it's also always recommended to put a "pin 1 marker" on the silkscreen (a.k.a Legend. (Another thing not very standardized)).
If you are dealing with a single assembly house, and they have a website with preview function, then you can design your footprints in such a way that it works with their software.