I have nothing against if you (Altium) want to milk the hobby zone. If you have an idea of what "hobby zone" means. But you don't.
I many cases, a computer designated for hobby use, means a computer in a workshop, other than the family's computer. Is not even the most recent high end piece of hardware and many times, it is outside wifi coverage. It has XP/Win7 mostly but it happens also to have Linux and pretty rare, OS X.
The projects and libraries are archived on CD/DVDs and rarely a project get posted online - is the author's choice and nobody can force him to do anything else. A PCB designer is a tool which it must work mainly offline and save offline. A tool which must have low-to-medium hardware requirements. And of course, it has to be outstanding compared to Eagle, Kicad, gEDA, DipTrance and any other actor on the market.
Do this and become famous. Became the most used tool in the market and only then think something to make money. Yes, you will have to wait some years but this is the ONLY receipt to success in the hobby zone.
You can't or don't intend to be so "stupid"? You are too noble or you are coming from a different "social class"? Then, don't waste your money and time. Go back to your circles. Because a hobbyist already have the required tools for his work and it won't beg others for something else.