Thanks for your reply ludzinc.
i am living in the united kingdom,the complexity of the PCBs are fairly simple.
Of the two PCBs i need designing one is to provide power and 2.4ghertz remote control,and the other to provide an internal USB hub and step down voltage regulator.
There are also a number of input and output connectors to provide internal and external connections.
please excuse my ignorance with regards to the rest of your reply i do realize that people cant be expected to do things for free.what would be the going rate to get PCBs designed for manufacturing?
i have searched for the schematics for the z2k2dc - zr4 remote control relay board and i intend to use a kim-055l step down voltage regulator as its compact size and meets my needs nicely.
Also i would need a plug and play USB controller chip to power 4x USB ports that would work with linux,android,windows.
if i could actually find the schematics then i should be able to drag and drop them into my design sheet thus designing my own PCBs.
I have spent a great many hours designing and redesigning my physical product to prototype stage and every step of the way having to learn how to work with a new set of tools.
Time is always up against me and i am passionate to get my product to market,so anything that could speed up this process would be fantastic.
kindest regards