Author Topic: collaboration for new product PCB design.  (Read 2196 times)

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Offline technomastermindTopic starter

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collaboration for new product PCB design.
« on: April 23, 2015, 03:29:57 am »
hey guys

i am looking for collaboration with designing the printed circuit boards for my project.
the components have been chosen and the PCB footprints established.
all that remains are the actual schematic layout and placement of components on the PCBs.
my PCBs are an irregular shape due to the design of my product,please refer to photos.
there are no exotic components all parts are of off the shelf variety.

I do have a good understanding of electronics but have never actually got around to designing my own PCB, :-[

please forgive me if ive posted in the wrong location,and move post if necessary.

kindest regards


Offline ludzinc

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Re: collaboration for new product PCB design.
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2015, 03:54:36 am »
1.  Where are you?
2.  Collaboration means "pcb layout for free" for you're paying by the hour?
3.  Complexity? 
4.  What tool?
5.  Any care and no responsibility?

Offline technomastermindTopic starter

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Re: collaboration for new product PCB design.
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2015, 08:07:16 pm »

Thanks for your reply ludzinc.

i am living in the united kingdom,the complexity of the PCBs are fairly simple.

Of the two PCBs i need designing one is to provide power and 2.4ghertz  remote control,and the other to provide an internal USB hub and step down voltage regulator.
There are also a number of input and output connectors to provide internal and external connections.

please excuse my ignorance with regards to the rest of your reply i do realize that people cant be expected to do things for free.what would be the going rate to get PCBs designed for manufacturing?

i have searched for the schematics for the  z2k2dc - zr4 remote control relay board and i intend to use a kim-055l step down voltage regulator as its compact size and meets my needs nicely.
Also i would need a plug and play USB controller chip to power 4x USB ports that would work with linux,android,windows.

if i could actually find the schematics then i should be able to drag and drop them into my design sheet thus designing my own PCBs.

I have spent a great many hours designing and redesigning my physical product to prototype stage and every step of the way having to learn how to work with a new set of tools.

Time is always up against me and i am passionate to get my product to market,so anything that could speed up this process would be fantastic. ;D

kindest regards


Offline 8086

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Re: collaboration for new product PCB design.
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2015, 08:22:33 pm »
I have sent you a PM.

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