Electronics > PCB/EDA/CAD




Exactly how are you trying to make the symbol for this?
The library editor shouldn't make errors like that.

That tool is not checking to make sure that what you've entered is compliant with KiCad restrictions. Note that the file format is space-delimited, and you have used spaces in pin names. That's illegal. Change "LE ED1" and "OE ED2" to LE_ED1 and OE_ED2 or similar and it works. (You'll notice that KiCad automatically changes space to underscore in pin names.)

The fact that it waits until the very end to barf is proof of what I've suspected for a long time: nobody working on KiCad knows how to write a damn parser...

What was wrong with the pin spacing? Do you mean the spacing between pins and names? That's the quite poorly documented "skew" field in the Component Properties box.

This works.
Please check for mistakes and edit as needed.

Edit: The tilda ~  in KiCad library editor denotes the logical "NOT" or "active low" symbol.
It should show up correctly when you import it into kicad.

Pin spacing?

The library editor defaults to 50 mils (1.2700 mm).

"Normal" pin spacing in KiCad libraries is 100 mills, so add the pins with two grid-dots between.


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