Thanks for your hints! But there is loss of informations during export from DSN to EDIF, this is the cause why i want to directly convert it to readable text.
Yes... from my experience there is no 100% direct
translation among formats... between any formats
And EDIF - although it exists for decades... - has more or less
an abandonware position in industry. Each vendor sticks with
their own format.
Nevertheless DSN is IMHO the most closest format to EDIF
than any other alternative...
Last case my alternative is always trying to "convert" project
to an alternative format (which I have access to) and try any
export option alternative from that other vendor.
There is always some issues and some gotchas.
In time I was able to more or less live with all the
industry juggernaut .. and convert my projects
along the timeline...
Mileage will vary