Author Topic: Design Solderable Breadboard  (Read 2888 times)

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Online jpanhaltTopic starter

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Design Solderable Breadboard
« on: December 04, 2024, 06:36:45 pm »
I like using solderable breadboards designed to duplicate plug-in variety (attachment). 
" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

SparkFun was early in the game with a 5-hole per column design.  Now there are many versions.  There are also breakout boards to adapt SMD's to those breadboards.  I am thinking of getting a small batch of custom breadboards made that incorporate pads and connections for SMDs to the common 5-hole per column design. I came up with 5 common SMD packages (attachment) that will fit in the 0.3" empty space in the board.  Unpopulated, they would not interfere with anything on top.

Here are the 5 I have picked:

Are there any others you would add?

« Last Edit: December 04, 2024, 06:42:13 pm by jpanhalt »

Online jpanhaltTopic starter

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Re: Design Solderable Breadboard
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2024, 11:18:12 am »
Version 2

Here's my second roll:

Changes and rationale:
1) First version was basically a non-dimensioned sketch.  In second version, drill size is 0.04" to accommodate 0.025" square pins.
2) Pads changed to square to fit SMD passive sizes 805 and 1206 (examples shown) better.  Round pads also work, and I routinely use both sizes when convenient on my breadboards.  The square pads may facilitate reflow, but there is the hole to worry about.
3) Bottom tract connecting pads is increased 0.04".
4) Increased number of SOT23 and compatible footprints to 15 (six -3 and nine -6); SOIC-8 are 3 and eliminated the higher power -3 footprints because fit was tight.

The SOT23 and SOIC-8 are the two most common sizes I need to add to MCU designs.  Of course, there are others, but there are so many versions of them that adapter boards are probably the best solution. 

Any comments?  I am getting ready to send off a smaller version to see how it works.

EDIT: It's ordered (capture).  I cut it in half just as a test to save money.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2024, 11:39:19 pm by jpanhalt »

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